Chapter 11: Recollections from the Past

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Author's Note: Hi everyone!! First things first... I'm so sorry for going MIA. 2019 was full of many blessings for me and my family as well as challenges. Given I also work at school (I switched districts), there was more workload than what I was used to so most of my time was going to my students, staying after school to make answer keys and to understand multiple subjects. There was drama within the department I was in as well as another and so I was switched into a position I'm so happy to be in. I also help run an extra-curricular club at the school and our kids had advanced to state in February so my time was with helping them and my schooling. We had kids advance to the National level, but due to the pandemic, nationals was canceled and they will be competing online. My life as paraprofessional can be overwhelming especially with what I do and I know I don't get paid enough for it, but I love what I do.

As the end of my college semester comes to an end, and given the fact we will not be returning back to the 2019-2020 school year,  my way of coping due to not seeing my seniors again is writing. I will do my best to update as soon as possible again, but again I'm so sorry! Stay safe and I hope everyone is doing well!

Also, forgive me for any grammar errors. I'll be looking over it later but I just wanted to update it given how its been sitting in my drafts for several months now!



    "....Look I... I'm not trying to place you in a predicament and I thought you knew—"

    "I didn't but I know now," the news still we're a shock to (Name), her mind racing at all the times she had been around Jacob and Sam...

    Of all people Sam probably knew what had occurred as well as the pack. They all use telepathy in their wolf forms for Pete's sake! She felt betrayed— the person who's supposedly her "soulmate", the people she considered family and above all her own flesh and blood, Samuel— all of them hurt her.

    Edward placed a cold hand on her shoulder, the coolness seeping through her shirt. It was comforting in a weird way because she wasn't the only hurting at the moment. What a selfish way to think but still, at least someone understood. "I apologize for dropping all of this on you," Edward spoke softly.

    There's no need for an apology Edward," she reassured the handsome vampire. "Ironically the person the legends and my own family have told me to stay away from is the one who's the most honest person I know right now."

    "(Name)!" Ariel called her name as she made her way to her and Edward. "Jacob called me and asked where you were and I told him you were with me. I think he wanted to come get you to talk to you about something? It sounded urgent."

    (Name) glanced at Edward and then back at Ariel. She pursed her lips into a fine line, obviously upset with Jacob for contacting her friend. "I—"

    "Actually, I have to take her with me for awhile," Edward interjected causing Ariel to look at him with a confused expression. "I'll pay for both of your orders but (Name) and I have to get going."

    Ariel glanced over to her silent friend beside him. "Damn it," (Name) cursed. "I'm sorry for what I'm about to ask you to do for me. Tell Jacob not to come. Tell him I left with another friend. Don't tell him it's Edward or who or if it's a guy or girl in general. He doesn't need to know anything. Can you do that for me?"

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