Chapter 8: Change

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A/N: So I had writer's block for the longest for this chapter. I didn't know what I wanted to write about until I watched Eclipse all over again. I hope this chapter is great! I hope everyone is having a wonderful break and vacation. Happy New Years to all! Enjoy! P.S. sorry if there are any mistakes. I will go back and fix it later :).

(Name) pressed the cool hand against her cheek as Tai growled lowly at the intrusive vampire that made his towards him. Tai's stance was menacing as the vampire gave him a grim smile. "(Name), before the clouds let the moon shine, I need to run away as fast as you can. I don't want to see you hurt when I change," Tai yelled as (Name)'s eyes watered, the pain in her arm maneuvering up each passing second.

This was supposed to be just a simple outing in the forest to look at the lake near Tai's home, not a life-threatening situation where a vampire has made its way into Tai's estate. (Name) stood up and using her non-injured hand, she grabbed an unhinged metal rod. She knew it would do nothing to stop the crazed being, but she couldn't leave Tai alone, not after him trying to protect her. "I'm not leaving you," (Name) called out as she made her stance. "As a descendant of the Quileute tribe, I will stand behind you."

The clouds dissipated away, at last letting the moon shine in all its glory as Tai's eye began to glow a golden yellow.


Sam stopped in his tracks as he and the others were in their wolf forms as he sensed something wrong. The feeling wasn't for Emily but the only other person that would matter to him: his sister. 'Something is wrong. I think (Name) is going through something,' Sam thought, gaining everyone's attention.

'Do you think she's okay?' Jacob asked worriedly as he bowed his head.

'I don't know,' Sam admitted as they made their way towards the their final training day with the Cullens.


Hours Prior

"(Name)," Tai began as they walked together down the cobblestone path away from the mansion and towards the forest within Tai's estate. "I wanted to apologize for trying to interfere between you and Jacob Black's relationship."

(Name) glanced up as Tai gave her a sincere, kind smile. "Believe me, had I known he imprinted beforehand, I would have never made an attempt to woo you."

"You know about what he is?" (Name) asked in surprise as Tai chuckled, nodding his head.

"Of course," Tai confided softly. "He and the rest of the Quileute tribe aren't the only ones who have secrets. There are a few of us at in the surrounding areas that are Children of the Moon."

"You're a werewolf?" (Name) stated curiously as Tai placed a hand over her head, ruffling her hair.

"I knew you'd keep it to yourself given that you're surrounded by supernatural/mythical beings."

"I'm honored that you trust me with this information," (Name) mused delightfully as she they continued to walk through the forest. The sun was beginning to set the chattered and had deep conversations about their families to their like of movies. "We should start heading back," Tai pointed out as the sun fell deeper into the horizon. "There's a full moon tonight."

They began to make their way back to to the home but the rustling of bushes alerted them something was there. A low chuckle erupted from the bush as a built, pale Asian man walked out. Tai stood in front of (Name) protectively as his red eyes eyed the smaller form of (Name). "You smell divine, but have a slight stench of wet dog," the man commented as he licked his lips.

"A cold one," (Name) stated knowingly as the vampire then glanced over to Tai.

His facial expression faltered he attempted to smell the air closest to Tai. "I cannot smell you," the vampire stated, anger swelling up within him as he roared at the two and charged at them.

Tai held his stance, not phased by the sudden force struck towards him but not before hurting (Name). The force blew (Name) against a tree, wounding her right arm from the impact. Night fell as Tai continued to dodge attacks from the vampire while (Name) watched. She pressed a cool hand against her cheek as Tai growled lowly at the intrusive vampire that made his way once more towards him. Tai's stance was menacing as the vampire gave him a grim smile. "(Name), before the clouds let the moon shine, I need to run away as fast as you can. I don't want to see you hurt when I change," Tai yelled as (Name)'s eyes watered, the pain in her arm maneuvering up each passing second.

(Name) stood up and using her non-injured hand, she grabbed an unhinged metal rod. She knew it would do nothing to stop the crazed being, but she couldn't leave Tai alone, not after he kept trying to protect her. "I'm not leaving you," (Name) called out as she made her stance. "As a descendant of the Quileute tribe, I will stand behind you."

The clouds dissipated away, at last letting the moon shine in all its glory as Tai's eye began to glow a golden yellow. The vampire halted as Tai began to slowly transform. Long dark brown hair manifested throughout his body as he slowly began to lose his humanity. A muzzle formed as he bared his teeth and body grew larger in built as well as height, towering several inches taller than Tai's initial height. He stood on his hind legs like a human as the vampire looked at him in fright. Tai was no longer human but a true Child of the Moon; a werewolf. He lunged himself at the vampire as the vampire attempted to dodge Tai's attack but with no avail. Tai clawed at the vampire, breaking his limbs as the vampire screamed in pain. Using his teeth, Tai ripped off the vampires head off and the vampire was no more.

(Name) pulled out a lighter from her pocket (one that Sam gave to her as a kid) and cautiously walked over to Tai and the remains of the defeated vampire. The werewolf turned to look at her with a menacing look, making (Name) stop in her tracks. Tai's werewolf form eyed her, his teeth bared as if he was ready to attack once more but quickly ran off into the forest, leaving (Name) alone with the mess. Using the lighter, she began to burn the remains. After that, she quickly made her way out of the forest and back to the mansion, knowing well that even though Tai and her were alright now, he was still dangerous during his werewolf form.


Jacob sighed in relief once (Name) answered the phone. He had called twelve times before she finally answered, however she sounded exhausted. "Are you alright?" he asked worriedly as he heard (Name)'s phone clatter around on her side of the line.

"Yeah, just a really long day is all," she answered back as she laid down on her bed, her hand caressing the fabric of the sling on her injured arm. "Are you guys doing okay?"

"Yeah," Jacob answered as he glanced out his window. "We're fixing to eat breakfast and get ready to battle the newborns."

"Be careful," (Name) warned as she pulled a pillow close to her. "I... I love you Jacob."

Jacob smiled at the loving words she spoke. "... and I you. I'll do my best to come out in one piece."

"I look forward to seeing you when I get back," she murmured softly as she closed her eyes.

"I can't wait for you to be back with me again."

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