Chapter 13: Powers Awaken

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Author's Note: Hi everyone! So this chapter is going to be a little short, but I'm already working on the next chapter. I hope everyone is doing well!

    I also posted a new story called "Miracles of Blood." It's a reader insert involving Edward Cullen. Give it a read and let me know what you think! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter and let me know what you think :). 


      "I was going to to tell her at the right time Sam!" Jacob snapped. "Don't butt into things that don't concern you!"

       "It does concern me because that's my sister you imprinted on!" Sam yelled before pushing Jacob outside. "When you imprint on someone, no matter what you felt about someone previously will no longer matter! I should know because look what happened between Leah and I!"

        Sam knocked Jacob down to the ground as he held him down, a fire within his eyes as all Sam saw was anger. "I should rip your throat out right now, but I can't because I know how much it'll hurt my sister. You hurt my sister. I'm just as guilty but it doesn't compare to the pain you caused her."

       Jacob tried to get up, but Sam didn't budge. "(Name) is not like Bella. (Name) is her own person and should be treated as such!"


      "...Sam, the only being that is known to be able to resurrect are witches, depending on their coven they originate from that is."

     "What are you saying?" Sam asked, not understanding what Carlisle was getting at.

      "It may be possible that your sister holds some characteristics of being shape-shifter, but it's a strong possibility your sister may be a witch as well.... We're going to have to find her mother to get to the bottom of this."


         A series of candles illuminated instantaneous that surrounded a dark haired woman. Her eyes shined bright with determination as she sat there as her mind focused on one person— her daughter. Maria was going to look for her daughter and bring her back to her coven where she belonged especially since the number of witches has began to diminish as numerous witches around the world have been disappearing lately for unknown reasons. She needed to find (Name). She needed to bring her home.


Like Carlisle had promised, Edward returned to stay by (Name)'s side as the rest of the pack listened tentatively as (Name) and Edward talked in her room. "It's weird not seeing Bella around her bloodsucker," Paul commented offhandedly as he grabbed an apple from the fruit basket in the middle of the kitchen table.

They heard laughter between the vampire and (Name) as it made Jacob cringed hearing his imprintee laugh alongside the supernatural being he strongly disliked. Honestly it was strange in general that Edward Cullen could laugh. "How long will he be here Sam?" Jacob asked through gritted teeth as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Until the Princess tells him it's time for him to go," Sam replied as he scrunched up his nose at the sickly-sweet scent wafting from her room.

"She replaced you bud," Embry teased as Jacob shot him a glare.

"Don't you start Embry," Jacob hissed as stood up from his chair and headed towards the direction of (Name)'s room.

He stood by the threshold as he watched Edward and (Name) looking at a book and while sheets of paper spread around them. "What are you two doing?" Jacob asked as he noticed (Name)'s frown.

It's been two days since (Name) had her fever and had Edward by her side. She said nothing at first, but answered bluntly. "He's helping me with homework and giving me company. What's it to you?

"I don't know," Jacob sarcastically answered. "Given that your my girlfriend and all--"

"Your girlfriend?" (Name) laughed as Edward eyed them, a predicament he wishes to stay out of. "I was until I found about your kissing escapades with Bella Swan-- no offense Edward."

   "None taken," Edward murmured as Jacob growled. "I think I'll show myself out."

  "I'll call you later if I need help on my homework assignment," (Name) waved as Edward gave her a smile and was gone in a flash. "See ya' Ed!"

     "You're so chummy with the bloodsucker," Jacob spoke out venomously. "It makes me sick. It's almost as if you'd prefer him to be your boyfriend."

     "Edward is my friend," (Name) defended. "he's someone I can rely on and won't kiss another person's lover."

    "You won't let that go will you?" Jacob asked tiredly. "It meant nothing! I wanted closure!"

    "Give it a rest!" (Name)'s voice grew louder as she stood up from the comfort of her bed. "I'm tired of you making excuses for your actions! Man up for what you did! Whether it was a kiss or if you would've slept with her, it's still the same... you cheated! You tried to lie! How can I forgive you for that? I'm not Bella; I don't just kiss people or try to manipulate other's feelings for my benefit!"

    "(Name)--" Jacob stepped forward only to stop in his tracks when he noticed the tears quietly falling down her cheeks.

    All the pain and sadness he's caused her formed within the tears cascading down her face. "Please stop," (Name) whispered sadly. "It hurts to know I wasn't good enough for you!"

   Jacob felt himself breaking from the inside-out, and to see her cry was something he never wanted. He dropped onto his knees as his eyes welled with tears of his own. His heart felt like it crumbling into pieces. He wanted to make things right. He wanted to be only (Name)'s.

   "Go... GO!" (Name) yelled, a force emitting from her as it pushed Jacob out from her room and made the door to her room shut by itself. 

    "What the?" Sam asked aloud as he ran over to Jacob. "What's going on? What happened?" 

      Sam helped Jacob up from where the force threw him at. "Something pushed me out from the room," Jacob exclaimed with bewilderment. "I think (Name) did it!"

      Sam cautiously walked over towards the door and turned the doorknob. He slowly opened the door and peered into the room to see his broken sister. "Sam..." she sniffled helplessly as Sam just stood there by the doorway watching her. "I don't know what's going on with me. Please.. please help me!"


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