Chapter 10: Crash and Burn

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Author's Note:

Good morning/good afternoon/good evening! I'm sorry for disappearing for awhile. A lot of things happened and I couldn't handle much. Good news; I'm working for another district and will be going back to finish my degree!!! Yay and my health is slowly getting better ☺️. but anyways, I had a few people close to me pass away and also had been working throughout the summer so literally I've just been going home, doing what I needed to do and sleep and the stress was overwhelming. Not fun, but anyways I hope everyone has been doing well and to those support me, y'all are awesome. Thank y'all for being patient. Well, enjoy!!


         "I won't tell anyone," (Name) said softly, raising her pinky finger as Tai smiled before hooking his with hers. "So how did you become one; a werewolf?"

      Tai chuckled a bit at the innocent gesture of promise, bringing his hands to his lap and stared at them. "We were born this way," Tai explained. "The full moon transformation didn't happen until I was six though."

      (Name) pondered, not knowing what to day as he continued to talk. Werewolves were different compared to what her brothers were as she listened. "... I know it's not something you're used to since I know the legends and stories are different from ours but I hope your opinion of me doesn't change due to what I am."

      "You're still you Tai," (Name) replied sincerely. "I don't think of you as any different to well... my brother and his pack. I'm not afraid of you."

        (Name) gave Tai a gentle smile before tugging the side of his shirt. "Now that we talked about this, why don't we go get some ice cream?" (Name) asked cheekily.

       "Sure," Tai accepted. "But I pay."


Glazed over eyes watch lazily at the opened textbook, brushing her index finger as (Name) played with its paper edges. She needed to get her AP English homework done. Sure, she still had a month and a half before school started but she knew better than to wait last minute like last year. She hadn't heard from Jacob with the exception of a couple of text messages from him every few days, but this was a low record compared to him text bombing her when he first found out he was his imprint. 'It's like any other relationship,' (Name) thought to herself. 'People need space too.'

          (Name) closed the text book, a loud sigh escaping from her lips as she glanced at the clock on her desk. Tai had gone out of town after she and him talked about what he was, most likely going back to Japan to spend time with his family. She wiggled her fingers, her eyes darting towards the neon yellow cast her arm was in. It was free from the sling she had to wear originally and in a couple of weeks, she would be able to get it off. It was nice to be able to some activities with two hands instead of one. Exiting out of her bedroom, she found her brother snoring lightly on the couch.

She smiled softly as she walked out in a quiet manner, not wanting to wake her overprotective brother only to walk back in to retrieve her forgotten car keys and bag that laid on the kitchen counter. As soon as she was back outside, ( Name) pulled her phone out of pocket and sent a quick message to her friend to meet up with her at a café in Forks. Glancing one last time at the house, (Name) made her way.


       "Geez, I was beginning to think you were going to stand me up," (Name)'s friend, Ariel, quipped sarcastically as she hugged her friend.

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