Chapter 6: Exclusive

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Every student in (Name)'s Humanities Dual Credit class were shocked by the news given to them by their teacher. There were only two Humanities class periods and one of the students in the other class has paid for both classes to take a week trip to Japan next week. There was only a total of sixteen students in both classes so it was fairly small. "What if we don't get our parent's permission?" a student asked. "Like some of us have trips of our own to go to."

"The student's family has a private plane so it will not affect them if a student does not show up. I will be chaperoning as well as another teacher. I will be passing out a permission slip and must be returned by Thursday," the teacher explained. "I know it's sudden, especially since we are on our last week of school, but I think it would benefit you all if you are able to attend this trip. We have several minutes left of class so once the bell rings, you are dismissed. Oh, and one more announcement, your final grade scores are on your Canvas page on the Peninsula College website.

(Name) smiled softly as she knew she passed her class with an 'A'. She had checked her grade during class on her phone. She felt her phone buzz in the pocket of her jacket and she quickly pulled it out. Her eyes glanced at the screen before pouting in disappointment before tapping on the message. It was from Embry who had been asking for money for lunch. She had been hoping it was Jacob, but luckily she would see him later.

I'll pay for you.

She sent the message as well as another message to her brother, asking for permission in regards to what her teacher brought up. Truth be told, she did want a brief getaway especially before her senior year. Class was then dismissed for the lunch period as (Name) and few others from her class headed to the cafeteria. (Name) headed to the usual table she and the boys would reside in during the hour lunch period. She set her backpack down on one of the chairs as Embry walked over to their table. "Hey, do you want to go grab lunch right now?" Embry asked as (Name) simply nodded and went ahead towards the lunch line in the cafeteria.

"So I heard that Tai Embers guy was going to pay for his dual credit class a paid week to sight see in Japan," Embry commented as (Name) looked at him in shock.

"He's the one paying for the vacation?" (Name) whispered for Embry to hear. "Em, you know I have that class right?"

Embry smiled slyly as he nudged (Name)'s side with his elbow. "Are you going to go?" he asked as (Name) rolled her eyes. "Hey, I heard from one of my classmates that he seemed to have taken an interest in you."

"Embry," (Name) groaned, "You and I both know that nothing can happen between me and Tai especially with Jacob having imprinted on me."

The pair grabbed their lunches and paid for them as their group began to trickle in towards the table. Embry and (Name) sat down as Jacob sat next to (Name) while Quil took a seat beside Jacob and Seth completing the circle with him sitting beside Quil and Jacob. "I see you guys grabbed something without us," Quil frowned with mock sadness.

"It's not our fault are classes are a few feet away from the cafeteria," (Name) smirked as she grabbed the slice of pizza from her plate as Jacob glanced at her with a smile.

"You could've gotten me a slice too," Jacob added as he grabbed a french fry from her plate.

"Hey (Name)," a voice greeted from a few feet away.

(Name) turned to where the voice came from and noticed it was Tai. "Oh, hey Tai," she smiled as Jacob glanced up at the upperclassman.

"So uh," Tai muttered as he rubbed the back of his neck, "I was wondering if you were planning on going to the graduation ceremony this Friday."

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