Chapter 5: Green Eyed Monster

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Author's Note: Thank you so much for the votes for my stories. I really appreciate you all. I'm currently working on four chapters for four of stories. I'll be posting those up very soon. Enjoy this chapter!

(Name) jotted down several numbers from her calculator onto her worksheet as Jacob sat beside her carving on a small piece of wood with a wood carving knife. They pair sat in silence on the floor in the living room of (Name)'s house. Sam and Emily were out running errands and it had been raining lightly outside. The sound of rain pelting lightly onto the roof of the home was soothing to the ears as (Name) felt at ease. It was a comforting sound as the weekend was rolling in. Forks High School's seniors were graduating that afternoon, not that any of the pack members would be attending. The school on the reservation had a week left of school but (Name) wasn't planning on being behind her schoolwork as the countdown for summer was near. "I don't see the point of you working on homework on a Friday evening, especially with summer being close," Jacob mused as he brushed off the wood shavings.

"Just because it's almost summer, doesn't mean I'll stop doing my work," (Name) countered as she finished up her worksheet. "I'm trying to place a spot in the Top 10 for next year."

"Oh?" Jacob wondered as his eyes skimmed over the small wooden figure that resembled a wolf. "What are your plans after we graduate next year?"

"I want to apply for the University of Washington but also the University of Houston down in Texas," (Name) explained as she put up her homework in her backpack. "I really want to do something involving special education.

"Texas is really far," Jacob commented as he continued working on the now evident wooden figure.

"What's the little figure for?" (Name) asked curiously as she scooted over to watch Jacob work.

"It's for a charm bracelet I'm making for Bella as a graduation gift," Jacob explained as (Name) gave him a small smile before frowning once his attention averted to his work of art.

(Name) knew that when Jacob told her that he imprinted on her, she knew his feelings for Bella weren't going to go away within that moment. It takes time and (Name) knew this. She has started to take a liking to Jacob and is beginning to see him differently than just a member to her older brother's pack as well as just a childhood friend. She didn't mind that Jacob still cared for Bella, but the nagging feeling in the back of her head knew Bella more than likely held some feelings for Jacob, no matter how messed up the relationship between them was, she knew that Bella would always choose Edward Cullen. (Name) sighed longingly and rose up from her spot. She grabbed one of the straps to her backpack and dragged it down the hallway towards the direction of her room.

(Name) left her backpack in its usual spot outside her closed door and headed back to the living room where Jacob had been fixing the wolf onto a small piece of leather, forming a bracelet. (Name) walked begrudgingly towards the couch and flung herself onto it, laying down onto its cushions. She pulled her phone out and went through her messages. Her brows furrowed together as her eyes narrowed at the unknown number displayed on her screen. She clicked on the unread message and skimmed through it, somewhat baffled at the message.

Unknown Number:

Hey, is this (Name)? It's me, Tai. Your classmate Gina Thompson gave me your number.

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