Chapter 3: Acceptance

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Bella Swan stared blankly at the note Jacob had given her from when they were sending notes to one another as she recalled the recent events at the Uley home. She took a seat at the edge of her bed and glanced at her phone. He had been so cold her, and what's worse is that he yelled at her. She knew deep in her heart that she loves Jacob but she will never admit to it.

Jacob was there for her when Edward had left her for several months. He was her rock and the one person she had always counted on. Bella pulled her sleeve up and glanced at the bruise forming on her wrist from when (Name) stopped her from punching Jacob. Bella knew (Name) and Jacob had always been friends since they were kids and the fact that she's Sam's little sister, they spent enough time with one another. So, for (Name) to defend Jacob was understandable.

However, Bella's mind wandered as she took note of Jacob's behavior. She can't deny that Jacob looked off as she noticed him staring at (Name) more often than usual. He also went and sat next to her and took note of the way they talked amongst themselves. It was almost as if they were a couple in secret. Bella shook her head, attempting to clear her mind of such thoughts. Why just the other day he had tried to kiss her. Jacob loves her does he not? He has never hidden his feelings so why now the change?

     Bella sighed as Edward appeared beside her and took her hand. "Did he do this?" he asked as she noted the anger beginning to rise in his voice.

     Bella took her hand back from his grasp as she shook her head. "No, it was (Name) Uley," she murmured as Edward's eyes narrowed.

      "What do you mean? Why did she do it?" Edward demanded an explanation as she looked at him with large brown eyes.

      "I tried punching Jacob because he and I got into an argument and she caught my wrist," Bella confessed as Edward looked at her in confusion.

      "Why? Was it because he imprinted?" he questioned as Bella snapped her head quickly at his direction.

"What do you mean he imprinted?" Bella stammered as her heart began to feel heavy.

Edward looked at her with his golden eyes, confusion ever growing. "Bella, why do you care so much about Jacob imprinting on someone?"


       "This is a joke right?" (Name) laughed, but with no humor in her voice.

         "(Name), it's not a joking matter," Jacob retorted as watched her reaction.

       "How do you know you imprinted on me?" (Name) probed, wanting to know his answer. "How do you know that it's not a fluke and maybe you're just trying to find a rebound because Bella doesn't want to leave her blood sucker."

"Because it's not a fluke!" Jacob snapped. "(Name) for Pete's sake, I didn't even want Bella to touch me. When you stood there at the door, I just knew. It's like how Paul explained it when he had imprinted on Rachel. No one else mattered in the world. It was just him and Rachel. I felt that. (Name) you are my soulmate. Can— can we see where this will go?"

         (Name) looked down at her lap, her mind still trying to process the news. To her, Jacob has always been a part of her life. They would see each other almost every day once they started primary school or when their parents had get togethers at each other's homes. She had never considered him as someone she may spend her life with. She admits that Jacob is rather handsome and maybe fate had meant for them to be together. (Name) grinned to herself as she peered her eyes back at Jacob. "Alright, on several conditions," she requested as Jacob watched her with a stunned look.

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