Chapter 7:Truth Hurts

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As promised, I finished this chapter. I'm sorry for the late update. This week has been crazy. I had to go to the ER this week and it hasn't been very pleasant. Luckily, I'm feeling much better so here it is. I'm sorry for the errors; I will go back and fix them as soon as I can.

(Name) chuckled at the small joke her classmate, Rebecca, mumbled as they waited for their ride to arrive. A small group of (Name)'s Humanities class had arrived to Japan not that long ago and it was certainly a sight to see. Only six people -plus their professor- went on the little summer getaway. Tai walked over beside (Name) as they stood on the sidewalk near the airport's entrance. "So how are you liking it so far?" Tai asked as (Name) glanced up to smile at him.

"It's lovely," (Name) replied as she snuggled into her grey jacket.

"Just like you," Tai added slyly before signaling two black SUVs over to the group.

(Name) rolled her eyes as she followed behind the group of classmates as they all paired up in which vehicle each one would be in. (Name) paired up with Rebecca, and two other classmates, Alyssa and Aaron along with Tai tagging along with them.
Sam was hesitant on letting her travel on her own but (Name) assured him everything would be alright.   Not to mention, the getaway from the pack might help especially since they would begin training with the Cullens.

          She had promised her brother, as well as Jacob, to call when she arrived so they wouldn't worry. The ride to Tai's family residence was quiet as some the teens were feeling exhausted from the ride. (Name) glanced out the window as small droplets of rain hit the vehicle's window.  The sky was gray but mesmerizing at the same time as the mountains peaks kissed the clouds. It was a beautiful area indeed.

         Her eyes fluttered shut as her classmates talked among themselves as a slumber engulfed her.


         "Do you think she's okay?" Jacob asked worriedly as he glanced over to Quil.

          Embry chuckled at Jacob's worrying as they walked over to the forest's opening. Today was the first day of training with the Cullens. Frankly, Jacob was somewhat at ease since (Name) was away from the danger, however, she was near the one person he couldn't stand. "She's fine, dude," Quil assured his best friend they phased into their wolf forms. With all three of them in their wolf forms, they entered the forest to meet up with the rest of the pack to meet up with the Cullen clan.


         "Hey, I made to Japan. We just arrived to our classmate's home. Call me back when you get this message," (Name) yawned tiredly as she finished her message and proceeded to end the call.

          Neither her brother or Jacob answered their phones so more than likely they were in their wolf forms. Not that it mattered since no one out of their tribe could know about what was going on. Her eyes skimmed around the guest room she would be staying in. It was a cute room with lavender colored walls and a queen sized bed towards the end of the room embedded with white sheets. A wooden dresser was across the room lavish perfumes neatly displayed  on the top. The soft rug felt amazing underneath her toes as she finished places her clothes in the closet. She sighed in content as the thought of being away to relax filled her mind. Just as she was about to lay onto the bed, a knock at the door filled the room. "Coming!" (Name) cried out as unlocked the door and swung it open. "Hey Tai, what's up?"

           Tai gave (Name) a kind smile as he averted his gaze towards his feet. "So how are you?" he asked as (Name) gave him a nervous grin.

           "I'm fine," (Name) responded as she leaned against the doorframe.

"I hope this room is to your liking," Tai commented as he eyes peered over towards the room.

(Name) cleared her throat and awkwardly gave him a tiny smile, "It is— um, will you excuse me? I feel tired and want to sleep for awhile."

Tai bid her goodbye and left (Name) alone, relieved for him to be away. The fact that he kept trying to gain her attention was beginning to agitate her, making her re-evaluate her decision on coming to this trip. (Name) sighed tiredly as the mere thought of her taking advantage of the young adult made her stomach drop. She didn't want to be like Bella and toying with people's feelings, unintentionally or not. (Name) realized the dislike between them was mutual as she could sense Bella disliked her just as much as she did. How long did she have Jacob wrapped around her finger? In all honesty, (Name) theorized if it weren't the fact Jacob told her of their tribe's legend of shapeshifters and the cold ones, Bella wouldn't have paid much attention to the male Cullen but then again they would've ended together in some way. "What do people see in her anyway?" (Name) spoke aloud to no one. "Seriously, she's an average person. I feel like I'm in a pathetic love story/soap opera."

(Name) rolled her eyes and chuckled at the thought. "I wonder what Jacob's doing right now?"


Jacob looked down at the message splayed on his phone's screen as he and a few of members of the wolf pack waited for their orders to arrive in the diner they decided on to have lunch at. Along with their members, Bella had came along with them. She was seated beside Jacob and Quil and Embry sitting beside Jacob and Paul. "Well at least you all decided to wear shirts for once," Bella commented as she peered down at Jacob's phone. "What's with the grin Jake?"

"(Name) is in Japan right now," Quil informed to Bella. "Jake's been worried about her."

           "I'm sure she's doing alright," Bella assured as she placed her hand over his phone making Jacob look at her with a menacing glare. "Don't do that," Jake growled lowly. "Don't ever put your hand over my phone. It's not yours to begin with."

              Embry smirked as Bella shied back from the ill-tempered male. Jacob as no longer wrapped around her finger like originally was. Had this been different, Jacob would've listened and would have put his phone away but this Jacob's imprint Bella is going against. Sure, Jacob might have some lingering feelings for Bella Swan, but it (Name) who has him occupied. He couldn't help but make the next comment to her brunette, "Of course Jacob will always worry about her; after all, (Name) is Jake's imprinted."

             Embry couldn't help but laugh, especially at the annoyed glare Bella threw at him. Whether Bella liked it or not, she was no longer the main priority not Jacob's life.

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