Chapter One (Updated)

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A/N Here I am with the updated version of Chapter One. I will try to update all of the chapters this week. Sorry in advance for the lack of new chapters. The dates might be messed up, please correct me if I'm wrong.

December, 2005

A boy about seven years old with black hair and sea green eyes sat on the see-saw and swung around. Every week, the boy was allowed to play in the park for an hour or so. As he swung around, a man in a trench coat slowly walked towards him. The boy frowned slightly as he remembered seeing this man yesterday, at school.

"What do you want?" He asked. The man shook his head and kept walking. The boy started to panic and got off the swing. He started to back away from the man and turned around to run. The man just chuckled before fastening his pace. The boy started to run.

He didn't know why he was so scared. But he knew something would happen when the man caught up. Maybe the man would capture him and hide him away from his mother. I can't leave mommy! The boy thought before he slammed into someone. "Ow!" He yelled before falling to the ground. He looked up to find a girl with auburn hair and weird silver eyes. The man suddenly stopped in his tracks and scowled. He backed away slowly before walking away. The girl looked down at the boy and a disgusted expression crossed her face. That confused the boy. I'm not ugly, am I? He thought. "Who are you?" The boy asked. The girl merely stared down at him before a small smile appeared on her face and she offered the boy her hand. "What is your name?" She asked politely. "Percy. My name is Percy Jackson."

Time skip: a month

After the incident in the park, Percy and the girl, whose name she said was Christine became inseparable friends. At first she seemed reluctant to converse with Percy, but after a few days she warmed up to him. Sometimes, weird things happened to Percy. Once, when Percy and his mother went shopping for groceries, a woman snatched Percy away. She had a weird smell, and the when she walked, she made a weird clanging sound. Somehow, Christine found Percy and the woman hissed before bursting into flames and disappearing.

"Are you okay, Percy?" Christine asked. "I'm fine. How did you find me?" Their conversation was interrupted by Percy's mother, who embraced Percy the moment she found him standing in the wine aisle. Then she hugged Christine tightly. "Thank you! What happened to him?" Sally asked while examining Percy. "Nothing happened." Christine replied. Percy was about to say something when Christine shot him a look that made him close his mouth.

Percy and Christine were best friends. Christine always came to his house to play, though she seemed a bit hesitant every time. They were great friends, to say the least. Until Christine had to move.

Time skip: 6 months

"Percy, I have to move away." Christine said as they sat on a bench in Central Park. Percy looked crestfallen before he nodded. "Where are you moving to?" He asked. "Eh, Greece." Christine replied, though she sounded uncertain. A few tears leaked out of Percy's eyes. "I need to go. Hope we see each other again." Christine said while standing up. Percy just nodded. He was sad that his best friend was leaving. She made his life fun. Before she came into his life, Percy was bullied by his deadbeat stepfather. His mother had to work everyday in order to cover their expenses.

Time skip: approximately 4 years

Percy now had a rougher life than before. Diagnosed with Dyslexia and ADHD, he was almost kicked out of every school he had been to. Lucky thing was, his mother got a better job at a candy shop, so now she could spend more time with him.

He was attending a new school, and he was anxious. He knew he was going to get kicked out of this one. He always did. As soon as he entered the school, he was cornered by four girls. A girl with red hair stepped forward and eyed Percy. "What do you want?"  He demanded, but looking at the girl reminded him of Christine. "Nothing." She waved her hand and walked away, the other girls following her. "What was that?" Percy asked to no one in particular. "That's Nancy Bobofit. She's like the bully of this school." An boy walked up to him and replied. Percy raised an eyebrow. Usually no one paid attention to him on the first day, save the teachers and bullies.

The boy eyes him up and down. What is with this school? Percy thought. The boy sniffed the air and looked alarmed. "What is it?" Percy asked quickly, curious to why he was acting like this. "Nothing." The boy waved his hand in dismissal. "Grover." He held out his hand. Percy smiled. "Percy. Percy Jackson."

The school bell rang and students walked out of the school. Percy was having a conversation with Grover. "Hey man, why do you walk so weirdly?" Grover looked offended. "I do not walk weirdly. You walk weirdly." Percy chuckled before he was cornered yet again by Nancy Bobofit. She had cornered him twice after their first meeting. Once in the classroom when she demanded him to help her do her homework, which he refused by telling her about his awful grades, and once in the cafeteria, demanding him to buy her lunch. He refused too, after the water fountain attacked her, leaving her and her friends sopping wet.

"You're going to pay for spraying me with water at lunch, Jackson." Nancy sneered before one of her friends produced a PB&J sandwich and smashed it into Percy's face. Then she took out another one and smeared it across Grover's face. "Good riddance." She spat before walking away. "Ew. I don't mind the PB or the jam. I don't want to be touching anything Nancy or her friends touched, or possibly, eaten." Percy said in mock disgust. Grover just laughed. "Heh. You sound like a goat." Percy teased. Grover just nodded.

The school year went on as Percy and Grover became best friends. Not long after school started, the Latin teacher disappeared and a Mr Brunner took his place. He was a man in his forties, sitting in a wheelchair. But he was an awesome teacher. Percy liked his classes, partly because Mr Brunner was the only teacher who actually caught Nancy red-handed.

Then everything went wrong when they went to the museum.

Percy's math teacher turned into a hag with wings, while Mr Brunner threw him a pen that turned into a bronze sword.

Shortly after the school year ended, Percy and his mother went on a little trip to Montauk. It then went wring like everything else. A bull-man (Sorry, Minotaur) chased them into camp. His mother disappeared into golden light leaving Percy alone in a strange camp. Then he found out that Greek Gods were real. And then..... well, we all know what happened next.

Time skip: 2 years

Percy couldn't do anything when the manticore grabbed Annabeth and jumped down the cliff. He was about to jump down himself when someone yelled. "Don't boy." He looked at the source and saw a girl, about twelve years old, with auburn hair and silver eyes. She looked at Percy, but if she recognized him, she didn't show it. The hunters noticed Percy staring at their mistress and they all glared at him. "Zoe, Phoebe, go retrieve their bags." The two hunters left while glaring at Percy. Percy just stared at the girl. Thalia nudged him. "What?" Percy demanded. "Stop staring at Lady Artemis." She hissed. Percy's eyes widened before he tore his eyes off Artemis, who was still wearing her emotionless mask. "Milady, we're back." The two hunters came back with their bags. "Thank you, Zoe and Phoebe. Make camp. We will be resting here for a while." The hunters nodded before walking away to help the other hunters set up the tents. Artemis motioned for Percy to walk towards her. Percy walked towards her and bowed. "Lady Artemis." He said respectfully. She nodded before leading him towards her tent.

A/N That wraps up this chapter. This is a prologue of sorts. The update for chapter 2 will be coming up shortly. I hope. :)

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