Chapter Five

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A/N Right! Sorry for such weird updates to the chapter, but Wattpad doesn't allow published works to be edited and save without uploading, so here I am. Anyways, here's the new chapter:

Percy groaned loudly as he trudged towards the Hunter's camp. "Can't believe Chaos actually had a reason to do all that," He tried very hard not to wince as he saw silver tents amidst the trees. "I just hope they won't execute me on sight."

Flashback: Right after the meeting

"What do you mean you did that on purpose? Sure you totally messed up the chances of me working with Zeus by accident." Percy said sarcastically to Chaos through the convenient telepathic connection Chaos had created.

"Look, Percy, I mean it. Zeus will undoubtedly think you're here to exact revenge on Olympus or some bullshit like that, so he'll most likely mess up his chances of working with you even without my help," Chaos explained. "And how does you doing what you did help the problem?" Percy asked.

Chaos snapped her fingers (Which Percy had no idea how she managed to do that through a telepathic connection) and took a deep breath. "Now, as I just said, Zeus, being his usual paranoid self, would undoubtedly mess you up big time. However, I will not deny that you really need help from Olympus on this one. That's why you need a base of operations that is close to Olympus yet is under Zeus' radar."

That made Percy curious. "And where is this' base of operations' you're talking about?" Chaos laughed smugly. "That, my little protege, is the Hunter's camp."

Percy fell silent. "You serious?" Chaos laughed. "Completely."


Chaos then cleared her throat. "Well, that's because Artemis regularly comes back to Olympus for meetings, and therefore is up-to-date with what's going in Zeus' brain. Well, more or less up-to-date. And, since Artemis rarely brings her little girl scout troop out of the States these days, you can also keep an eye on Olympus! Furthermore, Zeus never checks on the Hunters, and I mean never. The most that can happen is Apollo or Hermes finding out about you, but I think you can trust them not to sell you out. See? Foolproof plan!"

Percy facepalmed. "Did you forget the fact that the Hunters are a band of man-hating feminists? I won't survive there!" Percy could feel Chaos rolling her eyes. "Oh please, Percy. You and I both know that even with Artemis helping them, those girl scouts could never kill you. Plus, there's no way you can't see the pros of my plan, right?"

Percy groaned loudly. "Fine! But if I get killed, I'll find a way to haunt you for the rest of you sorry, immortal life."

Chaos giggled. "Sure Percy, sure."

Flashback end.

Percy raised both of his hands in a gesture of surrendering when he saw the girls immediately point their bows towards him as soon as he stepped into the camp's view. "Um hi." Percy said anxiously, his fingers twitching as he scanned each of the girls. "State your business here, male." One of the hunters spat. "I'm here to talk to your.... errr, goddess." Percy replied. "I have a proposition to make."

He gulped when he saw some of the hunter's eyes narrowed. "An why would we do that?" The same hunter spat. "Because, he's my and Lady Artemis' cousin, and I'll blast you into next week if you don't!" A snarky voice replied which made Percy sag in relief. "Thank Chaos, Thals." The son of Poseidon breathed. Said demigod stepped into view and gave a playful punch to Percy's shoulder. "Sup, Kelp Head. Why're you looking for Lady Artemis?"

Percy sighed. "It's about the meeting we just had on Olympus," He replied. "Chaos apparently had a better idea that involves Artemis, you, and all those hostile girl scouts over there."

"Why you-" Percy ducked to avoid several dozen arrows flying right where his head was a second ago. "What is happening here?" An obviously young and feminine voice made everyone in the small clearing stop in their tracks. "Lady Artemis," The hunters all chorused. "Artemis." Percy bowed his head as well.

The goddess stared at Percy for a second. "What are you doing here, Perseus?" Artemis asked, her bow materialising in her hand as she did. "I'm here to work with you," Percy replied. "If you would allow me to explain." He added as Artemis casually played with the string of her bow.

"So you're saying that Chaos had deliberately ignored you in order for you to 'get under' Zeus' radar? Interesting," Artemis mused as she sat from across Percy. The duo was sitting inside of Artemis' tent, while Thalia was trying and failing to listen in from outside. "Yes. I assure you, I'm telling the truth." Percy said with a smile. I can't believe this is working, Percy thought. Who would've known?

"Alright. I shall take your word for now. However, if you are to stay with the hunt you will need to do your share of chores." Artemis said with a resigned sigh as she materialised a piece of paper and a pen. Then she scribbled some words onto the paper and handed it to Percy.

"This is our schedule." Artemis explained. "Your job is to hunt and cook for everyone. The food must be set onto the table before or exactly on the time marked on the schedule. If you were to be late...... I do believe I don't need to elaborate, do I?" Artemis said with a smile. "No," Percy sighed. "You don't." Percy frowned as he looked at the schedule. "So do I need to go to 'training'?" Percy asked. "You do. I believe that your archery is less that satisfactory, and I would not appreciate you cutting open our food when hunting." Artemis eyed Percy warily. Percy said nothing as he scratched his head. "Now, I believe it is almost 6:30." Artemis said nonchalantly.

"What?" Percy immediately jumped to his feet. "how am I supposed to hunt and cook lunch with such short notice?" Artemis shrugged. "Not my problem."

Percy shot her a dirty glare before he summoned a portal and leapt through. Artemis watched in amazement as the portal shrunk into nothingness. "Come in Thalia," Artemis called as she gathered herself. "And explain why you were eavesdropping on us."

Line Break

As soon as Percy arrived on the other side of the portal, he sighed. "Lord Perseus!" A man in a waiter's attire exclaimed. "How may help you?" Percy rubbed his temples tiredly. "Yeah, can you tell the kitchen that I need enough food for about 20 people? Thanks." The man bowed. "Right away sire." The man then turned around to leave.

Percy sighed. Being a champion of Chaos sure had its quirks. "Oh, and sire?" The man called right as he was about to leave the room. "Yeah, Alfred?" Percy replied. "Lady Crystal wants to see you." Percy's eyes snapped open. "What?!"

Broken Oaths(A Percy Jackson fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang