Chapter 15

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Percy's POV

I hugged Artemis, whispering "It's going to be okay...." She sighed. "Death is a very abstract meaning to us immortals, since we aren't actually capable of dying." She explained while standing up. "I'm okay now. Let's get ready to move out." I nodded and packed my stuff. Artemis walked out of the tent to give some announcements. Then a black portal appeared in the tent. "Hey Chaos." I said without looking up. "Hey Percy!" I immediately knew Chaos was a girl today, since male Chaos just calls me 'Perce' most of the time. "Listen. I don't have alot of time. The weapon is underground. Deep underground." She said seriously before disappearing with a pop. "That was weird." I said to no one in particular.

Once I got all my stuff, I left the tent to see the hunters in neat rows. "Wow. Who knew you guys could be capable of forming rows?" I teased. Thalia stepped forward and slapped me, hard. "Sorry, okay?" I mumbled, rubbing my stinging cheek. She snickered. "How about a kiss, Kelp Head?" I paled and shook my head. Artemis walked towards us with a smile on her face. "Enough. Let's move-" She was cut short when two people stumbled out of the forest, both blonde. The hunters drew their bows and I summoned twin fire daggers, causing Artemis to look at me weirdly. "Help!" She yelled before dozens of monster poured out of the forest. "Damn Artemis! How could you have not known?" I yelled over the commotion while throwing one of the daggers towards a hellhound, killing it instantly. "I was a little occupied!" She yelled back. I slowly made my way towards the two blondes. What surprised me was the girl. She was wielding a celestial bronze dagger like an expert. Then I involuntarily growled when I saw who she was. On the other hand, the boy was hugging a tree. Somehow, no monsters attacked him. When the wave of monsters subsided, the girl turned to me. "Percy?" She exclaimed and tried to hug me. I, of course pushed her away. "Hey! Don't you dare make a move on my girl!" The boy walked towards us and slugged me in the face. I stumbled backwards but managed not to fall. "Make a move on your girl? Nah, I'm good." I said while wiping the blood off my face. Damn he punches hard. Artemis walked towards us calmly. "What happened here, Percy?" The boy, I think he's called Louis, eyes her. A small smile appeared on my face as Artemis' nostrils flared. "What are you doing, boy?" She asked coldly. "Nothing." He glared at me. "Didn't know you liked to have multiple girlfriends, you pervert." He sneered. I ignored him. But Artemis, on the other hand, shot him with a pulse of energy and turned him into a jackalope. The hunters snickered behind us. "Thalia, take care of our little friend here, will you?" Thalia nodded and grabbed the jackalope by it's scruff. Annabeth looked shocked but quickly regained her posture. "Percy, I'm really sorry. Please, give me a chance. It won't happen again." I faltered. After all, she's my first, and to say I didn't still love her would be lying. Then I saw Artemis. If I went with Annabeth, Artemis' going to be mad. Not to mention she'll never trust a man ever again. Annabeth was looking at me as if she was analyzing me. What if she's lying. What if this is just another trick? I asked myself. "No." I replied. Annabeth looked pulled on my arm. "Please?" I shook my head. "That won't work." She stomped her foot. "I don't know what's wrong with you Percy. I want to make amends. Really! But you keep refusing." I raised my eyebrows. "What is my problem? I don't know. Did I cheat on you? Did I fall into Tartarus with you? Huh?" I said before turning to the hunters. "Let's leave." Artemis had an amused expression on her face. "Are you sure? You're girlfriend is trying to make amends." I knew she was testing me. "Yes, I am sure." She smiled. "Very well. Hunters, head north." I looked at her questioningly. "We have to go to Olympus." I nodded hesitantly. "Why?" "To discuss the prophecy." She said before gesturing to the jackalope. Thalia put it down on the ground before Artemis shot it with a silver beam of energy, turning it into a very surprised Louis. He was smart not to say anything. "Try and cover as much ground as possible. We will come to you when we're done." She commanded and the hunters lined up. "Hunters, move out!" Thalia yelled and they ran into the forest.

Artemis looked at Annabeth with disgust and flashed us to Olympus. "Rachel delivered the prophecy almost a day ago. Why are we going to Olympus now?" She suddenly slammed her lips into mine. I enjoyed the kiss for a bit before pulling back. "What was that for?" I asked. "For turning her down." I smiled. "Of course I would. I have an awesome girlfriend now." She smiled too but her expression turned  serious. "Tell me: Do you still like her?" I nodded. Then she slapped me. "So you're toying with my my emotions?" She hissed. "No!" I exclaimed. "Then why did you agree to become my boyfriend if you still like her?" She stepped away. "Look, she's my first. And I jumped into Tartarus for her. It's hard not to just forget about her." Artemis sighed. "I know. It's just really confusing for me. I haven't dated anyone before, and it feels so weird to me" I hugged her. "I know. And now I that I think about it, I haven't really dated before too." I told her. She nodded. "Let's go." She flashed us into the throne room. Aphrodite squealed and leapt at me. "Gods no!" I yelled and ran away. "Aw Percy. You're single now. And you're quite handsome, so why hang out with those hunters?" I glared at her. "I choose what I want to do. If I want a girlfriend; I'll find one. If I don't, then leave me alone." Aphrodite pouted before an evil grin appeared on her face. She then jumped back into her seat. What surprised me was my dad. He was glaring at Aphrodite. "You better lay off my son. He will do what he wants. If you touch him or force him to do anything he doesn't want to do, I will personally make sure you'll never get another chance to do it again." Aphrodite smirked. "Yes, Lord Poseidon. Plus, I think Percy is quite happy now." She winked at me. Artemis and I both paled. Lucky for us, she didn't continue, and neither did any of the gods. "I know that there is a new prophecy." Zeus boomed. "Apollo, please recite the prophecy." Apollo nodded and smiled at me before standing up. "The pit must fall or the earth shall rise, and bring to the world death and demise. The apprentice of Chaos will bring salvation, and prevent Olympus from utter annihilation." He recited before sitting down. Athena spoke up. "The pit must refer to Tartarus, while the earth refers to Gaea. I think that is clear enough?" We all nodded. "The next line is quite clear. The apprentice of Chaos must refer to Perseus here." She gestured to me. "And the next line is very clear. What I don't understand is why this prophecy's so clear about everything. Shouldn't prophecies have riddles and double meanings?" She asked from her throne. I walked forward and looked at Athena. "Rachel, the oracle, told me the spirit actually spoke to her after she recited the prophecy. According to the spirit of Delphi, there is a weapon that is needed to kill Tartarus." Some of the gods looked concerned. "A weapon to kill Tartarus? There is no such weapon." Hephaestus grumbled. "There is." A female voice sounded behind me. "Hey Chaos." I greeted her. It's really hard not to recognize a voice that you've heard for a thousand years. "Hi Percy." She said before looking at the Olympians expectantly. Zeus immediately got off his throne and bowed. The other gods followed suit. Chaos and I burst into laughter. "I'm just kidding, jeez!" She laughed. The gods grumbled and sat on their thrones, too scared to do anything. "Anyways, I'm here to give you guys a tip. The weapon isn't specifically designed to kill Tartarus, but it is designed to kill a certain primordial. That is all I can tell you." "Hey Chaos." She looked at me. "Yes?" I swear I saw Apollo and the other male gods sit a bit straighter at that. "Aren't there any punishments for breaking the rules?" She pondered that for a second. "Not exactly. It just makes me guilty, and I hate feeling guilty." She replied. "Well, I'll be leaving now!" She waved and disappeared. The male gods were practically drooling. "She's hot." Apollo stated, while the other gods nodded in agreement. "Meeting? Hello?" I yelled. "Right. The weapon. Athena, try to find any information about the weapon and it's whereabouts. We will win this war."

A/N I don't know if that was funny or not, hope you guys like it. Again, thanks to my friend blah blah blah, I'm not RR, blah blah blah, and have a nice day.

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