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A/N Sorry! I caught a cold and had a really high fever. Anyways, this chapter will be a bit shorter. I just read the Kane Chronicles and I really liked it, so I'm thinking of doing a crossover fanfic. Well, it's not exactly a fanfic. You'll see what I mean. On with the chapter:

Percy's POV

After a good night's sleep, I opened a portal and stepped into it. I appeared in a random forest. There, sitting by the fire was Leo. "Sup." I sat down next to him. "Gah! Don't scare me like that!" Leo yelled as he jumped up. Then he looked at me. "Oh hey Percy. Here." He handed me a small briefcase with a two buttons on top, one blue, one red. I raised an eyebrow. "How do I use this?" Leo gestured to the red button. "This one is to activate the ship." He gestured to the other one. "This is to activate the self-destruction sequence." I nodded. "Thanks. Bye." I opened a portal and left.

I returned to the hunter's camp to find a fuming Artemis. "Where have you been?" She demanded. I gulped. I could tell that I would most likely get slapped or hit from that tone. "Getting our ride." I gestured to the briefcase. Artemis looked at it. "What does it do?" I put the case down. "The red one is to activate the ship; the blue one is to activate the self-destruct sequence." Artemis shook her head. "You must have gotten it wrong. Red buttons are usually for bad things. I'm sure the president's nuclear button is red too." I scratched my head. She did have a point. "No.... Leo said the blue one is to make the thingie go boom." Artemis shrugged. "Whatever. So how are we going to do this?" I pondered that for a moment. "So we get to Greece as quickly as we can and I go to Mount Othrys as quickly as possible, then I blow the mountain up and we find the scythe." Artemis started to nod before she caught herself. Then she slapped me.


She glared at me. "We are not blowing up a mountain." I nodded. "Activate the ship then." Artemis gestured to the briefcase and walked away to get the hunters. I put the briefcase down and presser the red button. It opened and slowly expanded like those inflatable slides. I quickly backed away as the briefcase expanded into a very familiar boat. "The Argo!" I exclaimed when it stopped expanding. "Wow. Where did you get this?" Artemis asked as she walked up to me with the hinters following her, gaping at the ship. "Leo." I replied. Artemis cocked her head to the side which made her look extremely cute. "Who?" I briefly explained who Leo is. "Ah. That stupid boy with Calypso." I nodded. Artemis clapped her hands. "Let's start our journey shall we?"

We got onto the ship and put down our stuff. The hunters had to share rooms. Artemis and I had to share one too, but I volunteered to sleep on the deck. The hunters snickered at that.

The next day, I sensed something with my son of Poseidon skills. I call it SoPPS. Short for Son of Poseidon Positioning Skillz. Artemis calls it Seaweed sensor. "Hey Arty?" I pointed to the dark mass that was absolutely huge. It had to be at least fifty meters wide. "What is that?" Artemis frowned before she paled. "We have to leave. Now!" I was about to run to the stern when a humongous thing leapt out of the sea. A few hunters screamed.

The thing was gray, with spikes all along it's back. It looked like a whale, but much more meaner. "Leviathan!" Artemis exclaimed as she drew her bow. I jumped into action and summoned twin fire daggers. Then I flicked my wrist and a gust of wind propelled me into the sky.

The Leviathan looked at me and opened it's jaws. I summoned another gust of wind that blew me to the side. I stabbed the Leviathan but the fire dagger bounced off it's skin. "Damn." I cursed. I threw the daggers at the monster which made it roar. I landed on the ship and summoned another pair of daggers. Artemis was firing arrows at the Leviathan, all of which bounced off it's hide. "It's skin is too thick!" She yelled. I nodded. Then I remembered the fight with the Nemean Lion. I kissed Artemis on the cheek. "Please don't slap me." I said before summoning a gust of wind lifting me off the ship. "Perseus Jackson, what are you doing!" Artemis yelled but I just smiled. "I'll be back for lunch!" I yelled back as I propelled myself into the creatures maw.

I hacked and slashed blindly in the monster. I had no idea what was going outside, but I was not leaving until this monster was dead. I threw the daggers away and concentrated on the power of the sea. Liquids around me (Don't ask) whipped around and formed small whirlwinds. If I couldn't kill the monster, might as well give it terrible acid reflux. The monster roared or farted, I don't know, and it dissolved around me. Well that was easy. I thought as the monster dissolved completely and I found myself in the middle of the ocean. There was no sign of the Argo. I slowly swam towards the surface and saw a flying boat. I summoned a wave and rode it towards the Argo.

The wave grew in size until it was as tall as the Argo. A few hunters pointed at me. "Sup!" I waved my hand and jumped onto the boat. Then an angry Artemis walked onto the deck. "Oh fuck."

A/N Guys and gals, I'm going to be blunt here: I'm going to update once a week from now on. So, see you in seven days!

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