Chapter Six

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I. Am. Back. Quarantine is boring, and I feel like killing myself by playing league 15 hours a day isn't the best way to go, so I'm back. If anyone is still here after all this time that is.

"So I that you've been trying to get chummy with some mortals," Crystal said as she crossed her legs. "I hope I don't have to remind you about the relationship we share."

"Uh. You're phrasing it like we have something between us. Which we don't. And here I thought you actually had something important to tell me." Percy sighed in annoyance at the oddly assertive girl sitting across him.

She was definitely what one could call a beauty, every move of hers looked like they were calculated carefully to achieve maximum elegance. Her naturally charming looks and colourful personality only added go her charm.

"Who said I didn't?" She replied teasingly, reaching out in an attempt to stroke Percy's cheek. Percy responded by slapping it away gently. This was their usual weird form of banter, one that Percy couldn't really say that he enjoyed.

Though to be honest, he didn't really mind the attention he received from her. Not that he would admit it though.

"Tartarus is making a move," Crystal's bewitching smile dissolved, and she stated intently at Percy. "You should tread carefully. It won't be surprising if he was watching your every movement on Earth."

"I know that. I've made precautions."


"And power fields."

"Well aren't you careful this time." Crystal smirked. "Is there a lover of yours in that little gaggle of girls? Can't say I find any of them to be extraordinary though. I win any of them by a mile in every womanly aspect."

"I guess." Percy said uncomfortably. He did feel that Crystal was very charming, but to say she won in every aspect was a bit of a stretch.

"I feel like you just had a rude thought concerning yours truly."

"Nothing of that sort." Percy shut her down completely.

"Seriously though. Don't let anything happen to you. You're very important. To both me and Chaos." Crystal said seriously. Percy noticed that her tone sounded a bit weird, but he paid it no mind.

"Sire, the meal for 20 is ready." Alfred walked into the room just at that moment. A mischievous smile slid onto his face. "Oho? What is this atmosphere?"

"Oh, nothing much Alfred, just confirming our love for one another." Crystal suddenly lunged forwards and grasped Percy's hands. They were very soft and were surprisingly small compared to Percy's.

"Seriously," Percy shook off her hands and stood up. "Stop with the jokes." Despite that, he walked out of the room with a smile on his face.

"Milady, are you not going to follow him? Your chances are meek as it is." Alfred asked, to which Crystal responded with a cute pout.

"Thank you, Alfred, for pointing out the obvious. But, I'm content with the way things are now. And you and I both know that she doesn't know how to express her feeling directly. This might actually work in my favour, you know?" Crystal stretched as she stood up and walked out of the same door. "And if worst coms to worst, I can just head down there and join him."

Line Break

Dinner at the Hunters' camp went without a hitch. Excluding the numerous times the Hunters threatened to gouge his eyeballs out.

"So, Perseus, how long do you plan on staying here?" Artemis asked him the one answer he didn't want to answer in front of the rest of the Hunters.

"The male is staying here? In this camp?" A Hunter said in disgust. Percy noticed how the girls had discreetly split into two groups around the dining table. Of course, Thalia was sitting next to him on his left. The seat on his right was unoccupied though. Coincidentally, 5 seats in total were unoccupied on his right. That was completely a coincidence. Percy was sure of it.

From their expressions, Percy could tell that the girls on his left weren't nearly as opposed to him staying in the camp. He recognised some of their faces, and concluded that those were the ones who had fought by his side in the past two wars.

So that meant that the girls on his right were new members of the Hunt. They were all more or less glaring at him with differing amounts of venom in their eyes, but one thing was clear; They didn't want him here.

"What to do." He muttered under his breath. On one hand, he didn't really belong here, nor did he want to be here for that matter, but Chaos was right about the Hunt being the best way for him to complete his mission.

Two finalised plans formed in his head. He could try his best to earn the newer members' trust. That would make living in the Hunters' camp more enjoyable for him, so to speak.

The other plan was to basically act like an ass and piss them all off. The easier way out, but in the long run was not optimal. At all.

And so, he decided what he was going to do.

"I'll be blunt here. I'm staying here whether you like it or not. And if you don't, you can fight me anytime. I'll take you all on." Percy adopted an arrogant tone and tried to intimidate the entirety of the Hunt. Artemis' eyebrow twitched in what Percy assumed was anger, but he ignored it for now.

I'll leave the backlash and explaining for later, He decided.

"Wh- Perce?" Thalia looked at him in bewilderment. The Hunters on his left side were staring at him with confused yet angry glances.

"So, if you'll excuse me," Percy stood up and walked over to the biggest tent in the entire camp and snapped his fingers.

A tent that was already set up appeared next to the giant tent.

"W-What are you doing?!" A Hunter cried out.

It's working. Percy noted as he walked into his tent. "I shall stay in this tent from this day on. Please don't bother trying contact me when I'm inside." He explicitly formed his sentence so that it sounded very passive-aggressive.

"Perseus," Despite him being so confident in his plan just a few moments ago, he immediately started to wonder where he went wrong, and why he felt so scared and insecure at this very moment.

"What do you think you're doing, setting up your tent right next to the Hunters' changing room?"

A drop of sweat rolled down his forehead, and Percy now knew where he fucked up.

Broken Oaths(A Percy Jackson fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora