Chapter 14

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Percy's POV

I slowly turned around to see a spear pointed straight at me. I looked up to look at my assailant's face and saw my best bud, Bob. "Hey, Bob! It's me!" I pushed away the spear and greeted him. "Percy! He's a Titan!" Artemis hissed behind me. "Nah, he's a friend." I looked around and saw Damesen too. "How did you escape?" I asked. "Followed you." Bob grunted. I facepalmed. "I forgot about you two...." Damesen grunted. "Damn right you did." "Well sorry." Bob nodded. "Who is she?" Damesen motioned to Artemis, who was looking at them warily with her bow in hand. "She's my friend." Bob nodded. "You know, Zeus probably would kill you the moment he sees you." I told them. They both nodded. You see why I said living with them is boring? Most of the time they just grunt and nod. And the fact that they're both over ten foot tall does not help. "Hey Arty, relax." I whispered to my still nervous girlfriend. "What if he suddenly attacks us?" She hissed. "Don't worry, they won't. I lived with them in Tartarus for like forty years." Artemis nodded before putting away her bow. Bob raised an eyebrow. "Artemis." She nodded. "So what are you guys going to do?" I changed the subject, partly because I'm afraid Bob might attack Artemis. "Travel around." Damesen grunted while Bob nodded. "Where to?" Artemis asked. "Around." Artemis sighed and shook her head. "Definition of around?" I asked. Damesen looked at me. "Exploring the world. And one more thing. My father is awakening." I nodded. "I know." He shook his head. "No. When my father fully awakens, he will try to revive my mother." Artemis' eyes widened. "We need a prophecy." Bob and Damesen nodded. "See you around." Bob waved before disappearing with Damesen.

"We have to find the oracle gat a prophecy. I don't know how we're going to survive this." Artemis paced around. "Arty, relax! We'll survive this; I promise." I put my arm around her. "How am I supposed to relax? I have to call a council meeting." She muttered under her breath. "No." She glared at me. "What?" I shook my head. I didn't want to argue with Artemis, but I didn't want to get Bob and Damesen killed. "I don't want to get Bob and Damesen killed." Artemis rubbed her temples. "This is so frustrating!" I laughed and Artemis froze. "How can you laugh now?" "I just think you're really cute when you get angry." She glared at me and tackled me to the ground. Then she began to punch me. Ouch. "Don't. Joke. About. This!" She stood up and crossed her arms. I winced from the pain but stood up too. "Listen. Relax. Have you ever thought of how many times I've been in these kinds of situations?" She frowned. "What are you trying to say?" "What I'm trying to say is, you can't stress too much about these situations." I told her as I flung my arm around her. "I still think we should get a prophecy." She pouted. "Fine." She smiled and pecked me on the lips. Then she snapped her fingers and teleported me to Rachel's cave.

To say Rachel was surprised would be an understatement. She shrieked and jumped up before she ran to her table and grabbed a dagger. She looked at me before an angry  expression replaced the shocked one on her face. "Where have you been?" I rubbed my neck. "Been around, I guess." She slapped me. What is with girls slapping boys? (Really. My girlfriend loves to slap me.) Funny thing was, that slap felt like nothing compared to Artemis or Thalia's slaps. She looked at me questioningly. "So no ouch or yelps?" I smiled a bit and said "Ouch." She sighed. "What're you here for?" " A prophecy." I replied. She closed her eyes before green smoke billowed out of her mouth and ears. "The pit must fall or the earth shall rise, and bring forth destruction and demise. The apprentice of Chaos shall bring salvation, and save Olympus from utter annihilation." She collapsed before I caught her. "Woah." She rubbed her temples before she froze. "Rachel, are you okay?" I asked, concerned. "It spoke to me. It said: Find the weapon. Only it can kill Tartarus." She then sat on the bed. "Good luck Percy." She whispered. I nodded and snapped my fingers, creating a portal. Then I stepped in it and arrived at the hunter's camp.

As soon as I got there, Artemis pulled me into her tent and crossed her arms. "So what did it say?" I took a deep breath and recited the prophecy. She frowned for a moment before looking up. "The pit refers to Tartarus. The earth refers to Gaea. This prophecy doesn't sound like a prophecy." I raised an eyebrow "Why so?" She sighed. "Usually a prophecy involves riddles and double meanings. This one, I can hardly think of any." I nodded. "Rachel also said that the spirit talked to her." This time it was Artemis' turn to raise an eyebrow. "She said something about a weapon. How only it can kill Tartarus." Artemis waved her hand in dismissal. "We'll talk about this in the morning. Go sleep, Percy." I nodded and walked out the tent. I looked around and found no extra tents. So I walked back in and saw Artemis in her underwear. "Holy Zeus!" I exclaimed and covered my eyes immediately. She shrieked and covered herself. "What in the name of Hades, Percy?" She exclaimed. But she sounded more flustered than anything. "There isn't a tent for me!" I said while still covering my eyes. "You can uncover your eyes now, Percy." I slowly removed my hands. "Please don't kill me." I whimpered in a very un-Percy like way. She rolled her eyes. "Normally, I would turn you into a jackalope. But I won't. Just this time. Don't let this happen again." She said sternly. I slowly nodded. "So where do I sleep?" "Didn't Hestia give you a tent?" I rubbed my neck. "I left that in the Void." She facepalmed. "Then I guess you'll have to sleep with me." I instantly blushed. "Hades no!" She rolled her eyes. "Of course not on the same bed." A smirk appeared on her face. "You can sleep on the floor." I sighed and laid down on the floor. "I thought you would object." Artemis said from her bed. "Why should I? There's no point in doing that." She giggled. "Good night, Artemis." I rolled over. "Good night Percy."

And of course I had dreams. But these were much more pleasant than the ones I usually had. "Percy." I found myself in the Void. "Hey Chaos." Chaos was in his male form. "Sup. Now I'm here to give you a little tip on the weapon the oracle mentioned." I nodded. "As you know, alot of weapons can kill immortals. But this one was designed to kill a primordial." My eyes widened at that. "Try to find it. It has a long history. That is all I can say. Good luck Percy." He waved sadly and I disappeared. I found myself in Tartarus again. This time, the pit lord himself appeared in front of me. Pit Lord. Nice name. I thought to myself. "Perseus Jackson." He boomed. "Hey, Pit Lord." He scowled. "What name is that?" I smirked. "A little nickname I gave you." His scowl deepened, if that was possible. "Stop with your foolish antics boy. They won't save you." I shrugged. "It was worth a try." He slammed his hand on his armrest. "Shut up! I am here to tell you that your doom is inevitable." I gave him a cheery smile. "Maybe my ole friend Chaos can help!" He rolled his eyes. "Even my father or mother, depends on his or her form, has restrictions. In fact, there are so many restrictions, I am sure he has broken quite a few just to talk to you." He looked at me with his piercing black eyes. "Remember what I said. It will save you alot of pain and suffering." Then everything went black.

I gasped and sat up. "What's wrong?" Artemis jumped off her bed with lightning fast speed. "Nothing. Tartarus contacted me." Her eyes widened. I told her what Tartarus and Chaos said. She paced around the room, shaking her head, muttering "Weapon?" I stood up and grabbed her shoulders. (Grabbed her shoulders? Idk if that's right.) "Arty. Look at me." She slowly looked up. "It's going to be okay. Trust me." I still didn't know why she was so agitated. I'm just a demigod, but I'm not even half as nervous as her! "But what if this is the end? Everything will be gone. Including the hunt, Olympus, Apollo...." She started to cry. I didn't know how to handle this, but I hugged her, whispering "It's going to be okay....."

A/N Yay! Update! Again, thanks to my friend who helped write and proofread this. I am not RR, and my writing skills are plain crap.

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