Chapter 12

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A/N I cannot believe it.We're nearing 750 reads.I mean,I did not expect so many people to read my fanfic,but I'm not complaining.Again,I do not own Percy Jackson,and thanks to my friend who helped me type this.

Percy's POV

I knew I was in trouble when I saw the look on Artemis' face. But it wasn't my fault! I almost wanted to just go back to Damesen's hut when Thalia told Artemis she "kissed" me. Artemis, after hearing that flashed us back to the hunt's camp. She turned to me and scowled. "How dare you defile my hunter!" Thalia snickered and walked in front of me. "Milady, permission to kiss him again?" Artemis nodded and looked away.Thalia then turned to me with an evil grin on her face. "You really are my favorite cousin." I said sarcastically. "I know right?" She kissed her knuckle and punched me straight in the face, the third time today. The entire hunt burst into laughter and Artemis turned around with a confused expression. "What happened?" She asked.Then she looked at me and saw my bleeding nose.It took her a few seconds to get it. "Oh my dear Perseus, can I get a kiss too?" She asked mockingly.This time I had to run, because Artemis' punches really hurt. "Come back! I want a kiss!" She chased me around the hunter's camp until I created a portal and stepped in it, teleporting me to a random place.

Was that really necessary? I thought to myself as I absent-mindedly walked through the forest. My bleeding nose stopped bleeding, though I could still smell the blood on my face.I growled and tried to wipe it off without success. "Perce?What happened to you?" A scrawny voice asked behind me. I groaned and turned around. To my surprise, I saw Leo, who was supposed to be missing, along with a familiar girl. "Oh nothing. Just got punched be a girl." I replied. Leo snorted. "Yeah right. As if a girl could break your nose." (I do not mean to be sexist!) The girl stood up and tapped on Leo's shoulder. Then she punched him straight in the face. "Holy Hephaestus!" Leo swore loudly. "That's for underestimating us girls." The girl said coldly. "I'm sorry sweetheart." I recognized that voice..... "Calypso?" I suddenly remembered where I heard it before. Calypso nodded. (One more thing: In this story, the Trials of Apollo does not exist.) Leo smacked his head. "I forgot you two knew each other! By the way, where's Annabeth?" Leo asked while playing with some nuts and bolts. "She's..... with someone else." I mumbled. Thinking about her still hurt. Leo gaped at me. "For real?" I nodded. Calypso patted my back. "You'll find someone else. I'm sure of it." I smiled. "Say, how bout we leave Leo and go out together?"I joked. Leo scowled and glared at me. Calypso slapped me. "Just joking! Geez...."I rubbed my head. Are all girls this violent? Leo's scowl softened. "Dude, don't joke about this. Do you know how hard it was for me to score a date with Calypso here?" I laughed. Suddenly, an arrow flew by my head and embedded itself in the tree behind me. "Shoot. Gotta go." I cursed. Leo and Calypso laughed. "IM me if you can!" I yelled as I made a portal and teleported away.

Leo's POV

I didn't think I'd meet Percy here.Me and my beautiful girlfriend were enjoying the silence of the forest when I saw Percy. When an arrow suddenly flew out from the forest and embedded itself in the tree behind Perce, he created a portal-thingie and teleported away. "Wow. That's cool." I said under my breath. Calypso sighed next to me. "Aw don't sigh. I'm here, and I'm sooooo much cooler than Perce." She smiled and let out a small chuckle. Then a twelve-year-old girl stepped out of the forest. "Were is he?" She demanded. I remembered when I first saw Annabeth, she was asked the exact same thing:Where is he? Where is Percy Jackson?" My first impression of her was mixed. She looked scary, even though she was like, twelve years old.But, if she wasn't scowling, I'd think she was cute. She looked at me and scowled. "Have you seen a boy with black hair and sea green eyes?" I was about to make a joke when Calypso clamped her hand over my mouth. "Yes, milady. He teleported away when he saw the arrow." The girl facepalmed and tucked the loose strands of auburn hair behind her ear. "Thank you, Calypso. I didn't know you were out of Ogygia. "All thanks to me, Leo!" I said pompously. She glared at me with those menacing silver eyes. I shrunk back and decided to shut up. Can't this girl take a joke? She glared at me one more time before she ran into the forest. "Who was she?" I asked Calypso. "Artemis, goddess of the hunt." She replied bluntly. "You're lucky she didn't turn you into a jackalope." I shook my head. "What's a jackalope?" Calypso briefly described it. (I had no idea what it looks like until I searched it online.) "So the scary twelve-year old girl is a goddess who likes to turn boys into animals?" Calypso nodded. "Oh."

Artemis' POV

I think I might have taken it too far. I thought Percy could take a joke. I chased him across the country to no avail. I returned to camp, only to find Percy sitting at the table, chatting with the hunters. "Perseus!" I walked over to him. "Where have you been?" I demanded. "Uh, after you tried to kill me," The hunters glanced at me. "I teleported back here." I felt stupid. I ran across the country for nothing! I grabbed Percy and dragged him into my tent. "Look Arty, I'm sorry, I spent a long time in Tartarus and my temper isn't what it used to b-" I cut him off by kissing him. When I pulled away, he looked at me with a shocked expression. "I'm sorry Percy, I shouldn't have did what I did." I said softly. "Are you really Artemis?" He stared at me with his mouth open. "Cause the Artemis I knew would have slapped me." I chuckled at that. "Well, if you'd rather I'd slap you, I wouldn't mind....." He shook his head. "Okay, then shut up." I said sternly. "Gods, now I don't want to apologize." I rubbed my temples. He started to stand up but I stopped him. "Where are you going?" I asked him. "Outside. Don't you think the hunters would be suspicious if we stayed here for too long?" It was my turn to stare at him. "Did you just say something smart?" He looked at me with a weird expression. "What do you mean?" I shook my head. "Nothing." He shrugged and left the tent.

After a few minutes, I exited the tent to find the hunters chasing him around. "What are you girls doing?" Beatrice stopped chasing him and replied. "We're kissing Percy!" Then she continued to chase Percy. When the hunters caught up with him, they started whaling on him. "Okay girls, that's enough." I said sternly, partly because I didn't want to see my boyfriend all bruised up. "Thank you, milady." He sat up. "One more kiss?" Thalia asked hopefully. "No. I want to try." I smiled mischievously. Percy groaned. "I'm not even gonna bother running." I whispered in his ear. "Sorry. But I want to try too." I kissed my fist and punched him. "Okay, time for dinner. Tomorrow we move out. Perseus?" I asked as we walked towards the table. The table was instantly filled with food. "How did you do that without clapping?" I asked him from the table. "It's like you summoning your bow. Do you have to snap your fingers or clap your hands to get it? No. But you do it anyway." He said without moving. "Where are we going, milady?" Tracy asked. "My father told us to hunt the Lamia before Percy got sent to Tartarus. We haven't hunted her down yet." She nodded. "I'm going to bed." Percy said as he walked past the table. "Why did he got sent to Tartarus?" Thalia asked with her mouth full of food. "He, erm, pissed my father off." I lied. But it didn't sound convincing, even to me. Thalia raised an eyebrow but didn't pursue the subject.

Annabeth's POV

Shortly after Percy's disappearance, Louis had to return to Canada. So of course he dragged me along. On the way there, we met a bunch of monsters, which wasn't that surprising. Louis, being a clear-sighted mortal, couldn't fight the monster, but knew when to run away when he saw one.

We stopped by a fast-food restaurant for lunch. "Hey." A girl slipped into the seat next to Louis. "Hi?" He replied. I raised my eyebrows. Did she not know I was here? "So," The girl drew circles on Louis' chest. "You wanna come to my house tonight?" She purred. Louis was about to nod when he realised I was still here. "Uh, no." He pushed her away. "Aw, why?" She pouted. I knew what she was by now:An Empousai. Louis stared at her. "Look, I have a girlfriend, so just leave me alone." The empousai pouted and dragged her finger up and down Louis' chest. "How vout we go into an alley and finish this conversation?" I growled. The empousai frowned and bared her fangs. "Oh shoot!" Louis yelped, earning a few glances from other customers. "You! I remember you!" She transformed into her true form. "Kelli." I snarled. "I thought you were dating that son of Poseidon? What happened? He dumped you?" She mocked. I cursed. I couldn't attack her in public. "Anne, what're you waiting for? Kill her!" Louis exclaimed. Somehow the other customers ignored that comment. "But I though you two were a cute couple! He even went through Tartarus with you!" I growled. She was really getting on my nerves. "I'll leave you alone today. But," She wagged her finger at Louis. "I still want you to go on a date with me." Louis hissed in disgust.

"What was that?" Louis asked when we left the restaurant. "A vampire." I replied.She was right. Percy went through Tartarus with you. I thought. I'll get him back, no matter what. I smiled as a plan formed in my head.

A/N That wraps up this chapter.

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