I finally update!!!

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Percy's POV

The next day we started our journey to find the mysterious weapon. "So you sure we have no idea what the weapon is?" I asked Artemis again. "Yes, Perseus. None of us have any idea what the weapon is." She replied exasperatedly. "Kay. So where are we going?" "North." She said before the hunters formed two lines. "Hunters, move out!" She yelled before they ran into the forest. "Thanks alot, Arty." I mumbled before running into the forest as well.

After a few minutes, I lost them. The tracks stopped suddenly and there wasn't any sign of the hunters. "Damn, where did they go?" I used the winds to propel myself upwards. When I was about forty feet off the ground, I scanned the area. Then I saw a flash of solver in the treetops. Think you can prank me, huh? I smirked as I slowly floated towards the hunters hidden in the treetops.

Thalia POV

After we ran into the forest, a plan formed in my head. "Milady, we haven't pranked Kelp Head in soooo long. Permission to prank him?" Artemis smiled and nodded. "Follow me, girls." I climbed onto a tree. The hunter's faces lit up as they realized what I was doing. Some snickered. "We should move further away, just in case he sees us." Artemis suggested. I nodded and the hunters climbed away.

A few minutes later, I heard Kelp Head's voice. "Damn, where did they go?" Followed by a fwoosh. I peeked at the spot he was before but he wasn't there. Artemis, who was beside me gasped. "Where is he?" She asked. She was fiddling with her hair and she looked like she was about to cry. "Milady, are you okay?" She nodded. "I, erm, was nervous because if Perseus went missing, then, um, Lord Poseidon will kill all of you.... yeah! That's it." She said while focusing on the spot Percy went missing. "Sup girls." I spun around and saw Percy. "I thought something happened to you, Kelp Head!" I growled and zapped him. "Well, you were the ones who wanted to prank me first!" He retaliated. "Well you shouldn't take scare us like that!" Artemis yelled beside me. "So much for gender equality." He mumbled. Artemis' eyes widened before they narrowed. "What was that?" Percy shook his head. "Nothing, Arty." He jumped off the tree and landed on the ground gracefully. "Where did you go?" I asked curiously. "I propelled myself up into the sky to look for you" he replied. The hinters jumped off the trees and snickered at his hair, which were standing upright. Artemis noticed and smoothed them down. I raised an eyebrow but didn't comment.

We ran through the forest for a few more hours before an image if Athena appeared in front of me. I almost had a stroke. "Lady Athena." I bowed. Artemis walked towards me and looked into the Iris Message. "Sister." She bowed her head. "I have a lead on the weapon." Athena started, but was cut off by Percy. "What is it?" He asked. Athena rolled her eyes. "I was getting to that. It is the first scythe of Kronos." Artemis' eyes widened. "But I thought it was destroyed." Athena shook her head. "I have searched thousands of books. The only weapon that matches the description is the scythe." Percy then rubbed his neck. "Then why did Kronos have to forge another scythe for the second war?" Athena sighed. "Honestly, are you really that dumb? The scythe is hidden. That is why Kronos had to forge another scythe. But where, I have no idea." Then Percy snapped his fingers. "I know! Beneath Mount Othrys." Athena's eyes widened. "You may have a point there. I'll try to find out more information. For now, head to Greece." Percy nodded. Artemis frowned. "But how are we supposed to find the weapon if it's hidden underground?" Percy raised his hand. "I can blow the mountain up!" I decided to speak up. "How can you blow the entire mountain up?" Percy smiled sheepishly. "Again, I didn't train with Chaos for nothing." I was confused. "Then why don't you use your power more often?" "I don't want to abuse my power." I facepalmed. "That isn't abusing your power. If you use it to hurt people, then you're abusing them." Percy shrugged. "Either way, I don't like to use them too much." Artemis nodded. "Tell our father we will be heading to Greece." Athena nodded and swiped through the mist. Percy then took a drachma out. "I need to send an Iris Message. It's getting dark anyways; you guys should make camp." Artemis nodded in agreement and ordered the other hunters to set up the tents. Percy flashed Artemis a smile before walking into the forest. I swear I saw Artemis blush. I guess I need to have a talk with my big sis.

Percy's POV

I used my water power to make a fine mist before tossing the drachma in it. "Can I talk to Leo Valdez please?" The mist shimmered and I saw Leo eating the face of a girl. "Wow. That's certainly a surprise." I smirked. Leo and the girl quickly pulled away. The girl turned out to be Calypso. "Hey Leo. I need a favor from you. Can you build a ship or something to bring us to Greece?" Leo looked at Calypso. "What do you think, babe?" Calypso slapped him. "Just answer him." Leo rubbed his face and sighed. "You're lucky I was working on my new project anyways. So how do I get it to you?" I pondered that for a second. "I'll come to you tomorrow to pick it up." Then Leo frowned. "What are you needing the ship for anyways?" I was surprised. Leo was rarely this serious. But again, being in a relationship can change someone. "There's a new prophecy. We need a weapon to stop Tartarus from rising, or he will awaken Gaea again. Of course, she shouldn't be a problem." I added with a smirk. "All you have to do is turn into a fireball and smash into her." Leo guffawed while Calypso chuckled. After a few seconds of laughing, Calypso turned serious. "Are you okay, Percy?" I nodded. "Of course. Why are you asking?" Calypso smiled warmly at me before continuing. "Well, Artemis was chasing you, and she seemed pretty mad at you. I thought she would kill you or turn you into a furry animal." I laughed. "Been there. Done that." Leo looked at me questioningly. "I went to Circe's island before. She turned me into a hamster." I explained. Leo laughed again. "Well, see you tomorrow Percy." Calypso swiped her hand through the mist, cutting off the connection.

I then walked back to the hunters camp. Suddenly, someone pulled on my hair roughly and tugged me towards Artemis' tent. "Hey! What's happening!" The person shoved me inside and stood at the entrance. Artemis was inside too. Turns out the person was Thalia. "Thals, what was that for!" I whined. "What's happening between you two, huh?" She demanded. Artemis looked down and I knew I had to explain. "We, erm, are really close friends." I lied. Thalia raised an eyebrow. "I've known you long enough to know when you're lying. Tell me the truth, Kelp Head." Artemis looked up. "Perseus and I are kind of dating." Thalia, to my surprise, just smiled. "Okay. I just had to make sure. I'll tell the hunters." She said cheerfully before leaving the tent. "You aren't going to stop her?" I asked. Artemis shook her head. "They deserve to know." Then the entire hunt burst into Artemis' tent. "Is it true?" Yancy asked. Artemis nodded shamefully. The hunters squealed. I could feel my eyes widening. The hunters, squealing like Aphrodite? That was something I didn't expect. Phoebe stepped forwards and looked at me. Then she turned to Artemis. "Milady, are you happy?" Artemis nodded. Phoebe stepped back with a satisfied smile. "That's good enough for me. Jackson's pretty cool. For a male, anyway." Thalia crossed her arms and smiled. "We have leverage now." Then the hunters left. "What was that for?" Artemis asked. "I have no idea." I replied.

In the Void....

Chaos' POV

I frowned. The war was drawing near, but Tartarus had more allies than I had expected. That calls for a change in plans. I flashed into the throne room of Olympus. "Olympians, I have grace news." I announced. The once squabbling Olympians went silent. "Tartarus had more allies then I had expected. Nyx and Erebus have joined him. I'm afraid that you are outnumbered. Zeus paled. "What can we do now?" I pondered that for a moment. "For now, our greatest priority is finding the original scythe of Kronos. We have to dispatch of Tartarus as soon as possible. We cannot let his forces wear the demigod camps down." Zeus nodded in understanding. "Another thing, Aether and his wife has offered their help in the upcoming war." The Olympians nodded. "You will have to tell Artemis about the plans as soon as possible." I said while barely concealing a smile. I knew exactly what Percy and Artemis were doing right now. It wasn't the reason I came, but as they say, kill two birds with one stone, right? Zeus nodded and tossed a drachma into the air. "Show me Artemis." The image showed the moon goddess leaning against my little protegé. "What is happening here?" Apollo roared. The other Olympians were more confused than outraged. Aphrodite just sat in her throne, smirking. Hestia was smiling as she tended the hearth. Poseidon didn't seem surprised too. So he knows. I thought. "Calm down Apollo. I can assure you that Artemis is doing this on her own accord. She is quite happy now. And , I would recommend you not to touch Percy, because he's easily stronger than any of you here." I added for good measure. Look at the expressions on their faces. Priceless! I chuckled mentally. Apollo sighed. "If Artemis is happy, then I'm okay with it. But I do need some words with my cousin." Poseidon glared at him form his throne. "Remember what you said, Apollo. Words." He said ominously. Apollo gulped but didn't respond. "Well, I'll be leaving now." I flashed back to the Void.

A/N Sorry for the lack of updates. I put a lot of effort into this chapter. Hope this meets your expectations! Here's a little warning, cause I'm going to say something obnoxious: Please check out my other stories!

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