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don't watch me cry

Sasha's P.O.V ~

I hate this.

I hate this, I hate this, I hate this.

So fucking much.

I'm bouncing my leg up and down whilst clutching the life out of poor Teddy.

Seated at a small little table in catering. With people I can trust to not fuck up my life.

"Hello hello hello."

I glance up and can't help the grin that spreads across my face.


And Stephanie.

"Well who's this handsome guy?"

Curious as they come, Teddy furrows his eyebrows together and points courageously at Hunters chest.

"Who are you?"

Everyone at the table giggles at Ted's moxy, including Steph and Hunter.

He kneels down to eye level with Ted and sticks out his hand.

"I'm Triple H, your daddy's boss."

Teddy's eyes soften and he sticks out his hand as well,

"I thoughts Twiple H wore underwear's." He murmurs curiously.

My eyes widen and now the whole catering section we are in begins to laugh.

Oh Ted...

"Triple H wears underwear when he's beating up guys in the ring, not when he's handling business. But trust me those days are long gone now."

Hunter smiles warmly, the aging of his eyes showing proud, and shakes Teddy's hand.

Stephanie steps forward, still as stunning as ever, and kneels down as well.

"Hi Teddy, I'm your daddy's other boss."

Always the gentle man, Teddy offers Stephanie a hug.

"Oh, aren't you sweet." She coos before turning her attention to me, "He's beautiful Sash, good job." She whispers.

I smile and nod before offering them both hugs as well.

We sit down and talk for a while, just about life after the spotlight.

It's so refreshing and reassuring to be around them.

Nothing is gonna happen.

Stephanie and I are midway through a conversation about a new fitness series she may be starting but we are interrupted by my husband swooping in to kiss my lips.

"Mm, hi love. What're you doing here? I thought you'd be on by now?"

I glance at the television to see John and AJ still in their match.

He shakes his head before pulling Teddy in to his lap.

My baby squeals and wraps his arms tightly around his father.

All the girls around swoon.

They better back the fuck off. He's taken.

"I was supposed to go on but I've got a while. John's gonna get attacked after the match and fight em off before standing to cut a promo. That's where I come in. I've got like 20 minutes to kill and I thought I'd grab Teddy and show him around."

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