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Sasha's P.O.V ~

I can't bring myself to knock.

As rude as that may seem.

I lived here once, with him.

I groan as I rest my head against the cool iron door.

I have to give it to him some day, or else the tea will freeze in this hellacious weather.

Do I knock?

Fuck I can't.

Okay, breathe.

I shake my head and opt for another route.

It's open.

I step inside and thank lord for the warmth that engulfs me.

Last I heard he was staying here whilst being in Boston for business.

I truly hope that isn't just workplace gossip.

Or else this would be more mortifying than it already is for me.

"B-baron?" I whisper softly as I peek inside.

Then I see it, a familiar sight.

Clear as the light of day.

There is beer. There is a couch. There is a television, and then there's him.

Staring at its black screen blankly.

With his dark, tired eyes.

He doesn't look at me, hell I wouldn't look at me either.

Not after what I said.

In fact I'd probably be burying the body of the person who dare spit those words my way, but he's calm.

Eerily calm.

He's calm in a way where any second he looks as if he might explode.

I've seen him mad, I don't think I'd like a repeat performance.

Cautiously, I approach him.

As if I'm a deer caught in the headlights of shame, approaching a wolf to which I've still never been able to tame.

Even if I promised him I could...

I lied.

"Baron, I've brought you tea."

He stays silent.

"I-it's your favorite. Unsweetened..."


I keep my eyes on the side of his face.

He doesn't move a muscle.

My sight lingers amongst the array of empty beer bottles laying on our- his old coffee table.

There's about four, all mocking me.

You did this. My subconscious sneers.

The silence stays present for another good minute before my last ounce of sanity decides it can't take it anymore.

I put the tea down and take a bigger risk than I've ever taken before.

I face his eyes in this state.

Kneeling down in front of him, placing my hands on his forearms, and locking eyes with his.

Hazel to darkness.

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