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once upon a dream

Teddy's P.O.V ~

Ms. Corinne is really nice. And she's really pretty.

I likes her.

My lollipop is good. It tastes like apples.

I likes apples.

Mommy smells likes apples, she says it's her shampoo. Daddy says he likes it.

Another lady is here now. The lady's hair is red.

"Corinne, you need to get to catering like, now. Naomi dyed Alexa's hair extensions and now they are piss yellow."

The lady said a bad word.

Uncle Dean says that word.

I laugh, Uncle Dean is funny.

"Justine I can't, I have to watch the Rollins's kid."

Ms. Corinne points to me and the lady with the red hair shakes her head,

"I'll just send one of the girls to take over. Come on, Alexa is on in an hour and with the way those extensions are looking, you better get started now."

Ms. Corinne huffs and follows along the red haired lady.

"Behave little one, don't move!" She tells me.

I nod and looks back to my screen. I pop the bubbles with my finger.

This is fun, I likes this game.

It's just like when mommy, daddy and I go blow bubbles in the grasses and try to pop all of them.

They don't taste very good.

Daddy tells me not to eat them, sometimes I do. Daddy frowns when I do.


That's my name.

Mommy says that's my real name, but I likes when people call me Teddy.

I likes when mommy calls me Teddy Bear.

It makes me smile. It makes me happy.

I hear a snap sound and I looks up.

There's another lady.

She has black hair and drawings on her, just like daddy has on his back.


The lady is smiling.

I don't like her smile, it looks mean.

She looks mean.

"Mommy says I'm not aposed' to talk to strangers." I tell the lady.

She smiles again.

"Oh Theodore, I'm not a stranger. How would I know your name if I was a stranger?"

I frown, she's right.

Maybe she's a spy.

"I'm an old friend of your fathers, Zahra. Nice to finally meet you." She says.

She gives me her hand, it's covered in drawings too.

I shake my head.

She squints her eyes and huffs. She sits down in Ms. Corinne's chair.

I looks back to my phone.

The bubbles are bigger.

Pop pop pop!

There's blue ones and red ones and yellow ones and-

"That's a nice lollipop you've got there."

I looks back at the mean lady and nod.

"But y'know, you're almost done with it. It's a shame you don't know me... I would've taken you to go get another."



Zahra sighs,

"I have so so many too. How I would love to share. I even have a new flavor that no ones ever ever tried."

"A new one?"

She nods,

"Mhm, and I heard it's supposed to give you superpowers like Spiderpool."


"Er Spider-Man! I meant..."

I frown,

"Are you suwe?"

She nods,

"Oh Theodore, I would never lie to you. Come on dear, let me go show you one."

I shake my head no.

"Mommy will be mad."

I don't like when mommy is mad.

I like when mommy is happy.

Sometimes daddy makes her mad. Sometimes she cries.

I don't like when mommy cries. Daddy hugs and kisses her though, then she gets happy.

"Darling, your mother told me to come and get you. We will just go get your lollipop and go see her, okay?"

Mommy has a lot of friends. They are all ladies. Zahra is a lady.

I frown,

"Mommy won't be mad?"

She shakes her head,

"Of course not."


"Okay, lets go!"

She smiles again,

"Yes child, lets go..."

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