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sweet dreams
II. the suffering of ophelia

Sasha's P.O.V ~

I'd always been the kid fascinated by what went through a killers mind before they struck.

Perhaps this curiousity was birthed from the darkness amongst my own childhood, or perhaps it was birthed from fear.

Right now, I'm leaning towards fear.

I wake up with a terrible pounding in my skull. The rough rag against my face has me drifting from conscious to darkness.

I can't feel my legs, my throat is dry from all the screaming, and quite frankly I've got no tears left to cry.

I've been hanging here for what feels like hours, awaiting my given fate behind the dreaded darkness of a blindfold.

Am I going to die?

Perhaps I do have some emotion left in me.

I sob as I think about my son. Oh Teddy, I can't bare the thought of leaving him.

Seth either. My love. It'd kill him, I know that wholeheartedly.

Images of Ted's messy hair and happy giggles fill my eyes and ears and it almost soothes me for a moment but, it isn't enough.

"Well well, look who's finally up."

In a split second I feel unfamiliar hands rubbing my shoulders, trying to loosen me up- but I can not seem to relax.

"God baby I've been waiting for hours! How are you feeling buttercup?"

I try my best to recognize the voice but I've got no luck. All I can hear clearly is my heartbeat, racing many miles against my chest.

I mumble softly and the rag is pulled off of my face. The smell of hardwood fills my senses, a nice contrast from all of the chemicals.

"I know you're scared right now honey but I'm here."

Who the fuck...?

I whine and try my best at pulling away from the calloused hand trying to caress my face.

"Do you want some water?" The voice asks

Yes, desperately. Though I won't take it from the psycho in the room with me.

So I shake my head no.

The voice groans, "Don't be so stubborn. Drink."

I can not bring myself to protest, I am far too exhausted to do so.

My bones ache.

The water slips down my throat and down my face. It doesn't taste fresh, it tastes tainted.

"Good girl."

I feel calloused fingertips pull my blindfold away, and the goosebumps attack my body once again.


"Theres my pretty, good girl. I missed you so so much. How do you feel?" He says as he runs his hands up and down my sides.

I want to burn under his fingertips so his marks will be on ashes rather than my skin.

I glare up at him and he laughs, "Oh honey forgive me, I forgot you got all these drugs in you. I just didn't want my strong girl fighting me, especially after I just caught her."

My tears silently fall down my face, my lip quivering. I can't look at him.

"Don't cry honey. Everything is gonna be okay. I know you're confused, I'll explain. Better that you're drugged, wouldn't want you getting angry."

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