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don't trust myself

Sasha's P.O.V ~

It's an eerie silence.

One that I'm sure I'll always look back on yet never be able to explain.

It's out.

My dirty little secret is out

Baron Thomas Corbin is the father of my child.

It was hard.

Knowing... finding out...


I continue flipping through the pages of gibberish until my eyes land on the bold lettering titled : 'RESULTS'.

My heart rate spikes and my adrenaline begins to pump through my veins.

I can hear the ringing blasting through my ears and taste the lingering answers sitting on my lips.

Fuck fuck fuck.

My gaze travels down the page, reading through the accuracy of this test.

A ninety nine percent accurate result for both of them.

Which only must mean that one of them is most definitely the father, and one of them is most definitely not.

I close my eyes for a second and furrow my eyebrows as I try to swallow back my emotions.

I can do this.

I open my eyes again and read through, nearing the results as each second passes.

My strong demeanor melts before me as the page begins to state that each of their DNA samples gave back an uncommon result.

Almost there, almost there, and-

"Holy fuck... neither? What the hell does that mean!?"

I anxiously flip back and forth through the pages, hoping and praying I'm missing something but nothing changes.

There's still two big fat zero percents next to their names.

I sit down and place the results on my counter before shaking my head.

"What does this mean?" I whisper.


I glance quickly at the clock and see I have two minutes to grab my phone and dial Dr. Greene's office.

I'm not saying they'll answer, I'm just saying I have hope.

I grab my phone from beside me and dial in the office number before drumming my fingers anxiously against the table.

"Please please pick up..." I whisper.



Try again.

I dial the number and pray harder than I've ever prayed before. Harder than when I was dragged on my knees to church every Sunday where all I did was pray to whatever lord was supposedly above to make mom and dad stop fighting.

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