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set fire to the rain

Sasha's P.O.V ~

I pace anxiously back and forth in the waiting room as Ted is taken back to be checked on.

I hope my baby is okay.

Sure, today went exactly as I was hoping for it not to go- but none of that shit matters.

My first priority is my little boy, my light, my world, my everything.

If he's severely hurt I'm kicking two wrestlers where the sun don't shine, and one slut.

Although her hit will be purely for my sadistic pleasure.

The she devil has had hers coming for a while.

And after my hand connected with her face, my fist was aching to connect with her poorly crafted nose job.

Or perhaps her breast, pop one of her tacky silicone implants that make her look more of a stripper than she already is.

I huff out an angry breath and Seth stands and walks over to my side.


Oh no.

"Don't fucking sweetheart me, asshole. How could you be so stupid!?" I shout, not caring about the small gathering around us.

I hear what's his face scoff in the corner and I turn my death glare his way.

"Something funny baldy?" I hiss.

He shakes his head and looks the other way.

"Babe please just calm down."

Excuse me?

"Calm down?"

He nods.

"Calm down, are you joking!? Look where the fuck we are Seth! You promised me, you fucking promised me but it all went to shit when you put your needs above your own son! Your oblivious and selfish needs!"

Seth goes to answer but is interrupted by the man of the absolute hour.

"Mercedes, you're acting like a child." He hisses.


I see red.

"Me!? No no- excuse me for being concerned for my child's wellbeing whilst you were too busy worrying about beating up my husband in front of your own flesh and blood! Great first impression by the way!"

His eyes, his dark eyes connect with mine and the red ring around them is in flames.

He stands and approaches me, but I will not back down anymore.

He doesn't own me anymore.

"I hadn't known the boy was my flesh and blood until about thirty minutes ago when your foolish lies finally came to surface." He spits through clenched teeth.


"My lies!? No Baron those were my fears. How was I supposed to tell you this baby is yours, huh!? You kicked me out, you left me! And you never told me why! You just expect me to go back after all that and tell you I'm pregnant with our child, are you fucking kidding me!?"

He scoffs and shakes his head, an angry and sarcastic look plastered on his face.

"Well it would have been a lot better than hiding him from me and letting your pussy of a husband raise him!"

Seth stands up from his seat defensively but I block him with my hand to cut in.

I don't want him to say another raspy word.

This is personal.

Between my past and I.

"Oh right because you would have done a much better job. I'd rather my son be raised by a softie than an abuser!"

Baron clenches his fists together and grinds his teeth.

He's pissed.

"Watch it Mercedes, I won't hesitate to take you over my knee."

I scoff,

His fucking nerve.

"Oh I'd like to see you try, sir." I spit out sarcastically.

He shakes his head and moves closer,

"Oh you know I would, gladly- and I'd enjoy every fucking second of it." He states quietly with promise.

I shake my head.

How dare he?

If I haven't reached my limit yet, his disgusting words have surely brought me there.

And I can't be liable for whatever response my fist or mouth decides to give him.

"Of course you fucking would! You're sick! You're fucking sick! You get off on other people's pain and suffering! Look where we are! In a hospital because you hurt your own son! That's what you do! You hurt everybody you know! You hurt Ted, you hurt me, and you hurt your dead mother when you let her blast a bullet through her head!"

I regret the words as soon as they fly out of my mouth.

I didn't mean it, fuck I didn't mean it.

I'm just angry!

But by the look he's giving me right now.

I see it.

I see through his facade.

My boy.

My broken little boy.



He closes his eyes, a pained expression painting his monstrous features, and with a sad sigh drifting from his lips- he shakes his head and walks away.

"Baron wait!" I call after.

Seth holds my shoulders and stops me.

"Leave him, let him cool down." He whispers.

My tears begin to fall down as well as the weight of today's events on my shoulders.

How could I say something so evil, so cruel?


I hurt him.

I hurt him more than he's ever hurt me or anybody else.

I broke him.

I broke my sons father.

- and this time around, I'm afraid I won't be able to pick up his shattered pieces...

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