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recap - after the truth came out that baron is teddy's biological father, baron has tried hard in taking a new role towards change for the sake of sasha and their son.

note - 92 dreadful days of procrastination, rough drafts, and writers block. here we are. i do truly apologize for the wait and without further ado, I give you chapter eleven...


Sasha's P.O.V ~

some more time later...

"Here comes the airplane!" Teddy giggles mercilessly as Seth holds him high in to the air and brings him around in circles.

I can't help my escaping giggles either as I chase after my two best men.

It's been a good few months, and I mean that wholeheartedly. Ted and Baron have been getting along and I've explained to Ted in a "kid friendly" way that he is very special because he has two daddies.

He was confused at first but my overall explanation was that he is loved times three, counting myself of course.

I've never seen Baron so, loving. Not even with me. Oh and Teddy just adores him.

Seth on the other hand is not all too happy about this arrangement, in fact we've been arguing again because of it.

I know where he's coming from, truly, but I can't stop Baron from having a place in Teddy's life.

When Ted gets older, I fear he'll never forgive me if I do.

"You okay, Sash?" Seth says as he sets a giggling Teddy down.

I'm immediately pulled from my thoughts, "Oh um, yes yeah I'm completely-"

"I hate to interrupt this beautiful gathering- but I'm here to pick up my son." My eyes dart from Seth's dark brown orbs to Baron's black oceans.

He stands, strongly. A white button up covered by a dark teal vest, black dress pants and his keys swinging around his index finger.

He looks weird. Different.

Preppy, domestic.

He looks like a... father.

Seth scoffs and reluctantly loosens his grip on Ted's hand, letting my little fireball bolt towards Baron whom halts him up on his strong shoulder immediately.

"Where are you heading?" Seth asks.

Baron smirks, "Well that's not any of your concern."

I cringe and look back to gauge Seth's reaction, hoping these two could just try and keep it together for the sake of our child.

"It is my concern, Corbin."

Another smirk and a tightened jawline,

"Did you push him out of your vag-" he looks up at Ted who is high enough to be touching the berries on our fruit tree. He isn't paying much attention, but Baron still responds cautiously. Odd for a vulgar man like himself. "Private parts, pretty boy? I know you tend to have a lot of fun with different women down there."

I choke on my breath of air and before I'm able to scold a very proud Baron for his crude comments, my fuming husband steps in instead.

"No I did not actually... but I was there. I know you didn't really have that privilege."

I heat red and look at Seth incredulously,

"Colby!" The dreaded birth name I use only when he's fucked up.

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