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"Fifth law?" I asked hoping she can get it this time. "Ahhh. No serpents left for dead?" I shake my head. "You already said that." She puts her head back in frustration and groans. "What is it?" She asked looking at me. "A serpent never betrays his own. From the top."

We finished getting through the laws a few more times to make sure she has them all for tonight. "In unity, there is strength." I smile. "Great." I stand up. "Let's go." She looks at me. "It's not to late to get out of this." I tell her. "No I want to do this." She takes my hand and we leave.

"You passed. Now receive the knife." Sweat Pea walks out of the way. Cheryl looks at me I nod my head. She goes and grabs the knife and as shes taking it out get bit but pretends like it didn't happen. She looks a the knife and puts it in FP's hand. "We'll see you tomorrow for the gauntlet." FP walks away. "Need a bandage." I give her the rap that was in my jacket because I new she was going to need it. "You did great." She smiles. "It was just a little overwhelming..." she finishes rapping her hand. "Want to go home?" I ask. "Yeah." I take her hand and we walk out.


I lay awake afraid to go to sleep. Afraid of having a nightmare. I decide I need to get up so I go into the kitchen to see Toni. "Hey." She wakes up. "Cheryl what are you doing up?" She asked confused. "I couldn't sleep you." She rubs her eyes. "I must have fallen asleep." You can tell there is more but she doesn't want to say what. "Why? If you don't mind me asking." I sit next to her. "I wanted to make sure you fell asleep and were ok and meant to check on you but I guess I fell asleep." She looks and me and I smile. "That's adorable." She looks at me confused. "I just want to be there to help you if you have a nightmare." She puts her head down and I notice a bat. "The bat? Last time I checked you can't hit a memory."


She takes my hand. "My uncle is abusive and I have this just incase along with my switchblade." I sigh and lead back her eyes widened. "Switchblade like the thing People stab other people with?" She asked and looks concerned. "I use it more like a threat than I use it to hurt people. And when I use it it's to protect myself." I try to calm her. She leans into me and puts her head on my shoulder. "I'm to tired to tell you about how much I don't like switchblade and I have a long day I'll tell you tomorrow." She looks at her watch. "Make that today it 3 in the morning and I didn't even realize that." I smile. "I have a bed and you do to and we can pick one and sleep in it and be comfortable. But that's just a suggestion." I look her and realize she's asleep. So I pick her up and bring her into her room. I was about to walk out when I see her start to panic in her sleep. I lay next to her. She wakes up and is out of breath. "You need to see someone. Cheryl." She lays back down. "Can I get through this week?" She snapped. "Yeah I'm just saying." I realize that all of this is hard for her so I let her be. She pulls me closer. "Stay." I nod and roll over and hold her. 

I wake up around 11 am and see Cheryl asleep. I leave the room and go make breakfast and wait for her to get up. A few hours go by and she gets up. "Hey. Toni." She sits next to me. "Its 3 in the afternoon." She turns to me. "I didn't sleep last night like at all the only sleep I got was when I fell asleep on the couch and had that nightmare." I take her hand. "You could have waked me up." She looks like she's about to cry. "When you woke up I finally fell asleep and I still barely slept." All I could do is feel bad. "It's not just that it's also my parents and the abuse that they put me through, Jason." She starts to cry. "I'm not trying to get out of this but you have In 20 minuets-." She stops me. "I know." She smiles. "It's weird I have to punch you." Cheryl laughs "well I'm glad it's you." I stand up. "You sure you want to do this? Once you do this you can't get out of this." She stands up and takes my hand. "For the millionth time, yes I want to do this, no it's not just for you, and I'm doing this to have some kind of support system and to feel protected and no I do not think of this as a short time solution. Oh and I'm not just doing this on a gut reaction." She grabs the handle to the door. "We've gone over this." I stud there in shock. "Wow." She opens the door.


Punch after punch. I finally get to Toni was at the end of all of this. I look at her and smile. "Do it." She looks like she's been waiting to do this her whole life and punches me in the face almost knocking me down. I smile at her again. "That all you got." She takes her hand out and I shake it. Fangs hands me my red serpent jacket. "Welcome to the serpents babe." Toni says and winks at me.

About an hour later we leave the wyrm and get back to her trailer."Cheryl your drunk. Your lucky my bike is in the shop." Toni said. "Why would that matter." I struggle to stand. "I love you and want to make tonight the best night you ever had." I say and start kissing her neck. "Cheryl. I don't want your first to be a drunk night." I step back. "Your right. I'm going to go to the bathroom and throw up." I go into the bathroom and do exactly what I said I was. Toni comes in and holds my hair back. "I'm sorry this is how you have to spend your spring break." I say in between gags. "It's better than with My uncle and I think you can say the same for your family." I look up and her and smile. "You always know how to ma-." I lean back into the toilet and throw up. "Make me smile." She gives me a hair tie. "I'm going to go grab some water for you I'll be back." She gets up and leaves I tie my hair back and continue to throw up. She comes back with a glass of water. "Hey I have a question." I say as Toni sits next to me on the floor. "What?" She fixes the single strand of hair and puts it behind my ear. "When is your birthday?" I ask she gets quiet. "It already passed its not my favorite day of the year I kinda pretend like it doesn't exist." She looks down and plays with her rings. "Can you at least tell me when it is?" I ask. "Today. I'm 17 if you were wondering." She say a little pissed off. "Toni..." she stops me. "I try to pretend it doesn't happen." She says about to cry. "Can I ask why?" She nods. "It's the day my dad killed himself, my mom left me with my uncle, oh and I tried to commit suicide. So long story short my birthday is a shit show so let's not get into it ok?" She yells. She realizes she getting mad and calms down. "I need to- I'll be back in a minute." She gets up and walks away. I get up and get ready for bed. I look in the mirror and realize how beat up my face looks. I hear a her door slam. I go to bed and surprisingly go to sleep.


Every hour I wake up to check on Cheryl and make sure she's ok. I don't know if it's weird and over protective or not I just want her to be ok. She almost always presents like nothing is wrong during school and pretends to be a bitch but you get to know her you realize she just needs someone. I walk into her room and luckily still see her sleeping. I was about to go into my room when I see a note of the frigid from Cheryl she must have gotten up when I was asleep.

I'm sorry about earlier I didn't mean to piss you off. No offense but you're really bad at telling people that their nose is a different color because of how hard someone punched you. I think it might be broken. Anyway I'm sorry and thank you for checking on me every hour people might think it's weird but it shows that you care.

I finish reading the letter and smile. I go back to my room and fall back to sleep.

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