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I woke up this morning in shock this is the first time in a month I haven't had a nightmare. I also woke up hungover and wanting pops but who doesn't. I get up, get dressed and walk out and see Toni. "Please say you didn't sleep there last night?" She looks at me. "I wasn't here when you wrote the note so what do you think?" She asked with a smile. I blush and sit next to her. "We're going to pop's. I'm hungover and that's all I need right now." She kisses me. "And maybe a kiss from my girlfriend." I kiss her. She stands up. "Lets go."

"So I was thinking that you should maybe go back to Thistle House and confront your mom." I was shocked at what she said at the table at pops. "Toni. I don't think I'm ready to confront her." She was about to say something when we both here the bell ring and a blonde girl walks in. She caught my eye and I recognized her but I couldn't remember who she was. She walks over to us. Why us maybe she recognized me to but couldn't figure it out. "Hey I don't know what to get. You know anything good here?" We both look at each other. "Burger." We both say at the same time. "Cool. I'm Heather." She took her hand out. Heather why do I recognized that name. "Toni and this is Cheryl my girlfriend." We both shook her hand. "Are you suppose to give me my tour on Monday?" She asked Toni. "Yeah it's not going to be that good because I'm still technically new there since southside high shut down." She gives her a awkward smile. "Well we were about to head out." We both stand up. "See you on Monday I guess." I grab my serpents jacket. "Yeah see you on Monday." I take her hand and we walk out we get to her bike and it hits me. "Oh shit." Toni gets on her bike. "What?" She asked concerned. "She's my ex girlfriend. She's the the reason I represented my feelings for girls for so long. She's the reason I was a bitch to you for as long as I was." I'm about to cry. Toni gets off her bike and hugs me. "I blame it on my mom but it was her." "Cheryl. Just promise me she won't get between us." She pulls away. I nod my head. "Yeah." We both get on her bike and drive home.

We walk in. I take off my jacket and put it on the couch. "But if that was true I wouldn't have you." I say. She throws her helmet on the couch. "And that's why I love you Cheryl Blossom." I was shocked she never actually said it to me. I turn around and smile. "I love you too Toni Topaz." I walk up to her and kiss her she kisses back. It wasn't like a typical kiss we've had it had more passion for each other than any other kiss I've had with her. "I'm ready." That's all I had to say. She smiles and kisses me again. She picks me up and brings her into her bedroom. "You sure?" She always makes sure I'm sure. "Yes!" I kiss her. It was something I would never regret especially because it was with her.

I wake up a few hours later naked with Toni asleep. "Toni." I whisper. She wakes up. "Hey was everything ok." I smile. "It was amazing and I'm glad it was with you." She smiles. "I'm glad it was with you to even though it wasn't my first." I was kinda shocked but I think we talked about once so I wasn't really shocked. "We're you serious about what you said earlier?" I asked. She looked at me and put her arm around me. "Of course." She says. "Well were you?" She asked hesitantly. "Yes I was kinda surprised you said it but I was glad you did." She smiles. Are moment gets interrupted by a call from Jughead. Toni picks up. "WHAT? Yeah we'll be there in a minute." She starts to get dressed. "What?" She turns around. "Betty is in the hospital." I was shocked. "Why? What happened." She looks down. "The ghoulies attacked her last night leaving the wrym. I don't know but we have to go." I get up and get dressed. We leave and go to the hospital. Toni hops off the bike and runs in. Probably more for Jughead than Betty. I walk in and see them hugging. "I'm going to go correctly park my bike I'll be back." She runs out. Jughead sits next to me. "So how's you and Toni?" He asked probably to get his mind off everything. "It's great. This morning she said she loved me." I blush. He smiles. "Toni? Miss tough 'i'm in a gang' Toni?" he asked. I nod. "Are we talking about the same person?" I nod. "Yeah." Veronica sits in front of us and Jughead gets up. "You said it back at least right?" I nod. "Yeah. And than it got heated." Her eyes widened. "I'm guessing you and Jug didn't last." She shakes her head. "He ran back to Betty." I want to change the subject but she does it anyway. "Anyways you to had sex. How was it." I look at her a tilt my head. "It just happened and I was ready, she was ready." She sits up. "Were you comfortable. I'm just wondering. Especially after..." her voice trails off. "Yeah we got close to it a few times and I stopped her and she was ok with me being uncomfortable a few times and than earlier I was finally ready and she made sure I was comfortable the whole time." Toni walks in and sits next to me and takes my hand. "I'll leave you to." Veronica leaves to see Betty. "We don't have to stay if you don't want to." Toni says. "You realize she's my cousin right? I kinda need to." I say to her. "Ok. I'll stay with you." I smile. "You can go home if you want." Toni shakes her head. "I want to stay with you." I smile. "Thanks." Jughead sits next to us. "How are you." Toni looks over at Jughead. He looks like was about to cry. "I just want her to be alive she's still in surgery." Toni rubs his back. I put my head on her shoulder and she pulls me in tight. I ended up falling asleep.

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