Chapter 1: Eric

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As I stepped into the huge building, I never would have thought that my life was about completely change. I mean, don't get me wrong; I knew things would change, but I didn't think it would be, you know... permanent.

Sorry, I've never been very good with words. I'm more that kid who's quiet so they don't say something stupid. Of course, that didn't help me in this particular circumstance. I was actually really lucky to be accepted to be part of this experiment. I mean, my family really needed money, and they were offering a ton for observations of my daily life. Sounded good to me. If I had known, I never would have stepped into that facility. I would have just said no to my parents' pleading eyes. Then again, if I hadn't, I never would have met the others. Then again, and again, they would have all been safer with someone smarter. Someone who was useful. But since I didn't know any of this that day, I stepped in. And with that one step, I changed my life. 

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