Chapter 11: Eric

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I opened my eyes.

So it wasn't a dream. I knew it, but a small part of me couldn't help hoping... Rachel rushed into my room clutching a clipboard as if it was a lifeline and she was drowning.

"Good, you're awake." She stated briskly. "I have questions for you."

"Of course you do. That doesn't mean I'll answer them." I saw a flash of anger in her eyes at my challenging words, but it disappeared almost as abruptly as it appeared.

"Yes, you will," She stated briskly.

"Not if I command you to stop asking them."

"Not if someone who just happens to be more superior than you in several more ways than one orders you to answer them." She smirked heavily. "And he told me to tell you that he would be most... displeased if you don't answer them." My heart dropped into my stomach.

What is so important that he has to order it to happen?

"Fine. What's the questions?" She seemed to relish being in control, or maybe it was because she was finally getting some information on me. I braced myself for the onslaught.

"How much have you eaten and drank since you arrived here?"

What? Why does that matter?

"Some, I guess. Haven't eaten, but I drank out of the sink last night."'

"Have you ever indulged in a romantic relationship?" I could feel my cheeks heat up.

"That's none of your business."

"Actually, it is, and I will report you." I sighed at her threat.

"No, ok? Never had a girlfriend."

"Never?" She actually looked surprised, which I guess is a compliment, but I was mostly just angry that they asked that personal of a question. I never had the time for one. I didn't really have anyone I wanted to date anyway, let alone the vice versa.

"Never." I confirmed.

"It is not in your interest to lie to us."

"I'm not lying! I've seriously never had a girlfriend! Why does it matter anyway?" She looked like I was an idiot for asking the question.

"For health reasons, of course."

"What does health reasons have to do with me having a girlfriend?"

"Well, of course, it's a risk with teenagers to be a bit... intimate with the other. We are just checking for potential health issues." My cheeks flamed again.

"Trust me, it's not an issue with me."

"We will run the tests on you regardless, in case you were lying." I was annoyed at this for a moment, and then she continued, "If you are carrying a health hazard, you will have to be excluded from the experiment."

"Wait, we could get out of here if we have a health hazard?"

Never thought I'd hope for a health hazard, but there's a first time for everything.

"No, of course not, we'd merely exclude you from the experiment."

"You'd kill us!?"

"Of course not, you coccydynia. You'd work here."

Work here? Why? Have they done this before? Are they going to keep us for the rest of our lives? Will we ever get out of here? And what's a coccydynia?

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