Chapter 14: Whynne

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They finally let me out of that boring hospital. The nurse shoved water down my throat until she was satisfied that I was properly drowned, and then sent me off, warning me to take it easy for the remainder of the week, and drink as much as she had forced me to. Yeah, sure thing lady. Not gonna happen. I was sick of doing nothing. I wanted to get something done. I looked into my pack, brainstorming, and it came to me. Bobby pins! I called out to Emler. He peeked around the door.

"You alright?"

"I'm fine. You can come in if you want." He stepped in cautiously. "I'm not going to explode, you know. You can stop acting like I'm going to die it you don't whisper. I don't even have a headache anymore."

"If you say so."

"Oh, and by the way, I want bobby pins. I want pale ones that match my hair color, and...why not some black ones? A 60 pack of each. Oh, and some floss and some tubes of strawberry chapstick." He looked at me a little funny, but he got what I asked.

"So, do you need something else? Something... important?"

"Are you saying that what I'm bringing is not important? Everyone else is going to be bringing survival stuff. So it's perfectly fine that I bring stuff I want. Besides, almost nobody thinks of this stuff. Our teeth would rot, and hygiene is more important than ever with all the infections and diseases we could get there."

"I... guess that makes a bit of sense...but-"

"No buts! If they have a problem with it, they can talk to me about it." I huffed.

Why does everyone keep saying I'm doing something wrong? I'm doing just fine, thank you very much. And why do they even care? It's not like they care about me, after all. They are leaving me to die on that dumb island.

"Can you just leave?"

"If I want to." He continued to stand there.

"What are you waiting for?"

"You asked me if I had the physical capability to leave. I do." I wanted to scream. Why are all the people here so annoying!?

"LEAVE!" I shouted.

"As you command." He replied, and left. I sat on my bed and swished my hair. That always cheered me up. I loved the feel of my silky hair flowing down my back as I tilted my head from side to side. It helped stretch my neck too.

I especially enjoyed to do it when I was in the sunlight, because the sun caught in my hair and turned it to a bright golden color. I liked to pretend that I was a royal queen, whose beautiful golden locks were superior to any crown. I would sit on my throne, chin high and utterly dignified, as I watched over my people, who adored their loving, gentle, kind, and gorgeous leader.

Queen Whynne... Has a nice ring to it. There was a strip of sunlight coming from the small window I had, so I laid back until my hair shone in it. Not that the window was of any other use. If I had tried to escape through it, I'd kill myself. We were too high up. Not only that, there was no foot holds on the smooth concrete, and the windows were far apart. So we're stuck there, until they take us to that island.... At that thought, I bolted upright. What day is it? Who knows how long I was in that hospital place?

"EMLER!" He walked leisurely into my room.

"You called?"

"What day is it?"

"Thursday. You leave tomorrow."


"Yes, tomorrow." He left my room again.

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