Chapter 13: Ryan

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I was sleeping peacefully before I was very rudely shaken awake. I looked through my bleary eyes and saw Red Velvet standing over me. She looked like she was going to shake me again.

"MFM!" I got my mouth full of my bedspread before I managed to shout, "I'm awake! I'm awake!"

"I'm aware of that now, thank you. Now that you're finally awake, get your carcass off that bed and stand up."

"It's too early. It's even still dark out." She strutted over to my drapes and whipped them apart. As I shielded my eyes from the sudden light, I asked,

"What is so important?"

"I have to ask you questions, and almost everyone else's people have already submitted their answers. You're making me look bad."

"You didn't come off as someone who cares what other people think." I grinned as she made that growling noise again.

"Just answer my questions before I throttle you."

"If you say so." She eyed me up before picking up a clipboard.

"What is your height and weight?"

"Ah... well... umm...."

"If you don't know, just say it, don't stand there mouthing like a fish."

"I don't know."

"Of course you don't. Ever had a girlfriend?"

"Of course I have." I couldn't even count how many. I don't really like to be tied down. She raised her perfectly groomed eyebrows at me.

"Ever been... intimate, with said girlfriends?"

"A gentleman never kisses and tells."

"Exactly. I'm talking to you."

"Haha, hilarious."

"We have to run tests on you if you don't answer that."

"I bet you'd run them on me anyway. I doubt you guys will take our word on it. You scientific people never do." She looked a little surprised. "What? I'm not dumb. I can figure things out."

"You didn't come off as observant."

"Hey, people are full of surprises."

"Indeed they are."

"Look at you, trying to talk like a smart person! It'll be good practice for dealing with Blake. I have a feeling she's going to drive me bonkers." Red Velvet looked at me seriously.

"I think you will become attached to Blake, and all the others, too. I think this kind of experience brings you together. Cherish it."

It's weird for you to be so sentimental. Or serious. Something is going on... And I'm going to get to the bottom of it.

"What do you mean? You sound like you're talking from experience."

"You seriously haven't figured it out yet? Wait, of course you haven't. If Blake hasn't figured it out, how could you have?" I tried to brush off the jab, but it stung. I guess I had hoped Red Velvet had a bit of faith in me.

"Wait, how do you know Blake hasn't figured out whatever you're talking about?"

"We watch your footage, of course. Blake is very hard to read, but she would change her behavior if she knew."

"Knew what?"

"I can't tell you. Not without them punishing me, and trust me, no one wants that here. I prefer to keep my mind clear."

"Punishing you?"

"Can't tell you about that either."

"Can you tell me anything?!"

"Any knowledge that is within the rules."

"Well, the rules suck!"

"Throwing a hissy fit isn't going to help you much. Stop whining and at least try to use that lump of grey matter you call a brain."

"Go away!" I snapped.

"As you wish." She strutted away. I regretted the words the moment they came out of my mouth. I was drawing strength from her fire. But there was no way I was calling her back. My pride was on the line. Besides, it's her fault. I hate hints like that. Either tell me the whole truth or tell me nothing. It's better than dangling it in front of my nose. I sighed and sat back down on my bed. Red Velvet came back in a bit later.

"You coming to apologize?"

"I have nothing to apologize for. I haven't finished your questions. What is your standard blood pressure?"

"Depends on who I'm around." She rolled her eyes.

"I repeat, if you don't know, say so, don't-

"I'm not flapping my mouth, I'm being funny. You may have heard of the word. Actually, if I think of your sense of humor, or should I say, lack of one, it would make sense if you haven't heard of it."

"How much have you drunk since you came here?"

"Is drunk even the right word? Isn't it drank or something?"

"Excuse me grammar police, I'm the one who asks the questions, you just give the answers." So she asked me a boatload of questions. I had no idea with almost all of them, so it went pretty fast. She finally put her clipboard down, sighed, and rubbed her temples. "That's all." She stated.

"Finally!" I exclaimed.

"They have to test you, however, due to your lack of answers."

"Test me. You said that earlier. What do you mean by that?

"Find out your blood type, your health, blah blah all that boring medical stuff." She replied.


"Apparently one of you got dehydrated last night, even though they had access to water. So they're a little concerned about your health."

Who was it? I don't have any idea, and I doubt that she'll tell me. "You have to figure it out yourself". Man, that's annoying.

"So when do I have to be tested?"

"The day you leave for the island."

"And how many days till then?"

"Two." She looked at me, annoyed. "You of all people should be keeping track of that, especially if you're as stressed out as you say you are."

"And what is that supposed to mean?" She rolled her eyes at me.

"I'm going to let you waste your precious time in peace." Once she left, I laid on my bed again. I had no idea what time it was, but I suddenly felt drained and exhausted. I might as well waste my time sleeping. And so I did. 

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