Chapter 10: Whynne

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I kept my eyes closed when I first woke up. Maybe if I kept my eyes closed, I could cling to the fantasy that it was a dream, and I was at home, safe. Safe. But eventually, I did, and the realization sprang tears in my eyes. Dread swirled around me, it's loving embrace of gloomy despair covering me. I could feel it tightening my chest, blurring my vision.

I can't do this, I can't do this, Ican'tdothisIcan'tdothisIcan'tdothis. I let out a gasp and ran to my bathroom. I just made it to the bathroom before I threw up everything remaining in my stomach. I wiped off my mouth if I stood up, and grabbed the sink, suddenly extremely dizzy. Fuzzy black spots danced at the edge of my vision. I breathed hard to prevent blacking out. I barely managed it. I groaned out loud. Emler suddenly appeared in the doorway. I looked at him and the black spots came back. As I passed out, I could hear him saying my name over and over again.

"Whynne. Wake up, please." I slowly began to drift conscious, although sleep was welcoming. However, it was kinda like drinking water after something spicy. It helps for a second, but then it burns worse than before. Working on this was the milk that would ease my pain. I needed to focus on that. I forced my heavy eyelids open. They felt sticky.

"Good, she's awake.... Dehydration. Gotta make sure she drinks plenty of fluids, and a little something to eat, while I'm at it." I'm dehydrated? I tried to sit up, but I felt something pull at my wrist. I looked at it. There was an IV poking out of it, and I was lying on a hospital bed. I saw a squat older lady clicking her tongue as she looked at me.

"You're right lucky miss, that someone found ya, or you'd be in a heck of a lot of trouble."

"I..." My tongue felt swollen. "I..."

"Oh, hush and drink this, all of it." She handed me a huge glass of water. I doubted I could drink that much, but as I took a sip, I began to gulp it. "Not so fast now. Don't want ya to get sick again, do we now?"

I quickly finished. I felt a bit better, but more tired. My eyelids were still heavy.

"Can I sleep?"

"Normally, I'd correct ya grammar, but since ya sick, I'll let it go. Yes, you may. I guess I corrected ya after all. Oh well, ya don't care that much, do ya?"

"No," I told her drowsily.

"I'll just let ya sleep now. Go ahead." I closed my eyes, and thought no longer. 

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