Chapter 9: Ryan

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"And then you aim it just so..." My instructor, Red Velvet, as I had decided to call her, explained as she raised her bow to demonstrate. She was as hot as Whynne, even more so, really, since she was a full woman. She had refused to tell me her name, even though she hated me calling her Red Velvet.

"Why do you hate that?" I had asked quizzically.

"Not that it's any of your business, but they called me that in high school. I'm a very different person now."

"Ok, so what's your name."

"Do you ever shut up?"

"No. So what's your name?"

"Look kid, I'm here to help you learn stuff or go get stuff. I'm not going to do anything else." I rolled my eyes at her words.

"Anyway, I want to know how to shoot a bow." Which had led us to this conversation.

"Like this?" I asked, purposely aiming it too high.

"No, you idiot, lower it." I made it almost touch the ground.

"Like that?"

She made a noise of frustration. I loved making her mad. That flaming red hair and those blue eyes always looked like they were literally on fire when she was.

"You really are a little twit, aren't you?" I grinned in response. Her eyes looked like icy fire, if that's a thing. Gorgeous and dangerous. Hot. "If you're just going to fool around, I'll waste my time somewhere else."

"Nah, I'll just behave." She looked at me, her face lofty. "For now, anyway." She growled and aimed her bow at me. She shot. I nearly shot out of my skin, but her perfectly aimed arrow whipped past my ear by an inch and embedded itself into the center of the target we were practicing at. I looked at her, petrified. She smirked smugly at me.

"Let's get started."

"O-ok..." We practiced shooting for a bit, and I was actually not too bad at it. Sure, I still missed more than I hit, and I hit the clock at one point, but Red Velvet said my form was mostly correct.

"Now that you have a feel for archery, I suggest we practice spearing. There are several fish at the island, and you can't really fish without a properly constructed fishing pole, which none of you know how to do. Therefore, you can either learn how to make one, or a spear. I believe a spear is more practical." I was fine with taking her word for it.

"Alright, but let's shoot one first."


"I mean, learn to use one. I can make something anytime." She raised her eyebrows, but she taught me how to spear. A spear was a lot harder than a bow and arrow. I couldn't hit the target, not once. I swore loudly the next time I tried and missed.

"You know, fish are a lot smaller than that target, and they happen to be able to move." I glared at her. She smiled sweetly, showing off her white teeth. I was again reminded of Whynne. "Also, I don't know if I mentioned, but that isn't a fishing spear." I stared at her.

"WHAT!" She smirked again.

"You said teach me how to use a spear. You have to specifically mention a fishing spear. That is the rule for the instructor. This also goes for anything you want in your pack."

Good thing I don't have to worry about my pack, since it's already done. I had everything I needed already.

"Fine. I want you how to use a fishing spear." She came back with a high quality fishing spear. I doubted we would have that at the island. I rolled my eyes at her.

"What?" She asked innocently. "You asked to learn how to use a fishing spear. This is a fishing spear."

"I want to learn with one that will be on the island."

"There aren't any spears on the island, you have to make one."

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

"Which means you have to learn to make one first," She stated, looking at me pointedly. Well, she had me on that one.

"Fine. Teach me to build a spear on the island." A muscle in her cheek tightened, but she ignored my rudeness and with exaggerated calmness, through gritted teeth, taught me how to build a spear with the stuff on the island. After that, I looked at hers and then at mine. It wasn't even close to hers. "What'd I do wrong?"

"If you had paid close attention, I'm sure you would know."

"I was paying attention! It's just... just..."

"Just what?"

"This is kinda hard for me! I don't know if it crossed your mind, but I've been told that I have a week to figure out stuff for maybe the rest of my life! So I'm sorry if I'm a little stressed out!" For the first time, Red Velvet's eyes softened.

"I know, trust me." They were simple words, but her eyes showed depths of pain and sorrow so deep I was amazed I didn't drown in it.

"Wait... what do you mean?"

Her eyes quickly turned into chips of ice.

"That's none of your concern," she stated curtly, and promptly turned to our spears again. "And since you weren't paying attention the first time, you insert the blade or bone or whatever you use here, and then you..." I wasn't paying attention the second time either. My mind was spinning with my thoughts. 

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