Chapter 5: Blake

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His words rang in my ears, ringing and echoing as they entered my brain.

I must have heard inaccurately. It is the only explanation. "Now, I know this is a bit of a shock-" He broke off to laugh- "I'm sorry, your facial expressions seem to be connected to your personalities, it amuses me."

"Amuses you!?" Eric shouted at him. "You can't do this. I want a lawyer," he added.

"You can't," the leader replied with a hint of laughter. "You signed a contract. I can observe your daily lives at our facility. Well, that island is a facility owned by us. You are bound by law to participate in this experiment."

I could feel my blood get hot as it swept through my veins. I could feel my rage building as my mind suddenly, with precise clarity, connected all of the analyzations that had puzzled me. The maze, to keep us from escaping. The lack of windows on the first floor, to keep us from finding out where we were in the maze from the view of the window. The need for the solid concrete, so we couldn't break our way out. The rage was becoming unbearable.

"Why?" I spat at him, my voice deathly quiet.

"Have I not made that clear? For the experiment, of course."

I was about to snap.

"What if your precious subjects die?" I asked, somehow keeping my voice level.

"Well, obviously, that is a possibility. That is why we chose you. Healthy, young, fairly athletic, and talented individuals. Anyhow, you will each have an instructor, who will give you anything you need, knowledge, supplies, anything... as long as it is in the boundary rules.

"And what would those be?" I asked. He smirked at me. I hated that smile. I knew from the moment I saw it that it wasn't sincere.

"Well, we can't have you bringing anything electronic to... intrude on our research, now, can we?" So. He was willing to give us information, including knowledge.

But how accurate is this information?

"How do we know you're telling the truth?" Eric questioned. We appeared to have a similar distrust in people. I was glad to know I had someone who would not be deceived deftly with me.

"How would the experiment benefit if we lie? We want you semi prepared. We want it to be interesting."

Our fight against death, interesting. My rage could no longer be contained. I began to charge toward him, but Eric grabbed me and held me back.

"Bad idea," he muttered in my ear. "This guy is willing to put you on a island with no regard for your safety; what do you think he would do if you attacked him?" Unfortunately, he was right. Of course that was right. My anger had clouded my thoughts. My heart raced at the thought of a simple emotion seizing one of the few things I can control. The leader chuckled.

"Ah, a feisty one. I can see why Emler wishes to be your instructor."

"Emler?" The balding man shot a nasty grin at me. I tasted bile in my mouth at the thought of having to see that disgusting old man everyday. "You say we can request what we want, as long as it isn't electronic, or a gun?" I asked sharply.

"That is correct."

"I request a different instructor." It was most satisfying to see the smirk drop off of Elmer's face. It was replaced with an angry scowl.

"As you request, you may have Sawyer instead." A light haired, younger and taller man stepped forward next to me.

"In response of your earlier question, Whynne, you all will be living in the upper levels in the week of preparation. However, you are forbidden to contact one another in any way, shape, or form. We have cameras watching your every move as we speak. Do not think you can outwit us." What was the purpose of keeping us separated? Perhaps to evaluate our mind process as we filled our packs and trained ourselves. Yes, that was most likely the reason. That would also determine what we value as essential, and may get an idea of how intelligent each individual is. Those packs and knowledge were the keys to our survival.

I must think a great deal about what to put in it, and what I learn. I knew anything I forgot would haunt me once we got to the island. Even as my body screams at me, wanting me to panic and run and escape, there has always been a part of my brain that makes me stay cool, in control, calculating my situation with absolute precision. Was that the "talent" of mine that he was referring to? Staying in control even under pressure and strain?

"You will each leave to your separate rooms now. And I would recommend not trying to escape... we might not find you worth the effort to save." On that last threat, he turned and exited the room.

"What the heck was that!?" Ryan shouted at the two guards. "If you think I'm gon-" His speech was directly blocked as Sawyer moved swiftly toward him and covered his mouth with duct tape. "MMFF!" He strained with indignation against the tape, but with no avail.

"We were commanded to muffle anyone who tries to speak," Sawyer explained in a monotone voice.

"Were you also ordered to not help us in anyway besides what we ask?" I questioned.

"Speak again and I'll have to muffle you, but in answer of your question, yes." Well, that could be expected. But was there a shred of decency in those people? Didn't he say that they wanted us semi prepared?

Of course, it could be further research, that we would be completely alone. That would be another explanation for the no contact with the others. And just because they want us semi prepared doesn't mean they will not want us to struggle. I don't understand why they would even let us have a whole pack. Couldn't that be full of stuff that would keep us from struggling?

"We want it to be interesting." My cheeks burned at the memory. I felt a surge of gratitude toward Eric for helping me in my state of extreme anger and lack of judgement. I planned to thank him as soon as they will allow us contact. I believed the part about the cameras; I saw several as Sawyer was walking us to our individual rooms. He finally brought me to mine. He stood stiffly in front of the door.

"Do you stay with me in my room at all times?" I asked. He shook his head robotically.

"Only as you wish me to," He replied, keeping the monotone voice.

So it appears I have an instructor with virtually no personality. I almost wished for Elmer. Or maybe he is trying to avoid getting attached to me. I don't think he will have an issue with that. I doubt my parents were sad to see me go. The only one who was was Xela... Sadness fell over me like a veil.

"Do we still get the money?" I blurted suddenly. He looked a bit surprised at the question. It was the first time emotion appeared in his features.

"I'm unsure, but I believe so, in order that suspicion does not arose in the cases of your families and friends." A small bit of relief welled within me. As long as they sent the money, I could have the hope I needed to continue. I looked around my living quarters critically. There was a full sized bed shoved carelessly to one side of the room. A rather small room, although it was much larger than the one at my home. In fact, compared to that one, this one was quite luxurious.

I hypothesized that my other companions would not share the same sentiment. My mind wandered toward those three. First impressions were often inaccurate, but I did an evaluation on them anyhow.

I began with Whynne. Her features came to mind; the shining blonde strands, the striking eyes, the blindingly white teeth. It seemed that she was very aware that she was attractive, due to her overdone hair expressions. Very pampered, as if her family met her every whim. But again, first impressions are often inaccurate. Perhaps she's a lovely person. Somehow, I doubted it.

Eric seemed to be an honest soul, but he was the only one that I had talked to at length.

Then there was Ryan. He had brown hair, brown eyes, and a muscular physique. Ryan seemed slightly distracted, but I assumed he was as ignorant as I when it comes to this project, judging by his reaction to the news. I didn't know the depths of his character yet. As I thought of them, my mind cleared, and I began to plan in my head what I will need to do in my week of preparation. I knew I would have to be very prepared. 

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