Chapter 2: Whynne

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I will never forget how drab everything was. You know those embarrassing and painful memories that you want to forget, but you can't? When you remember the tiniest details, like they're permanently etched in your mind? Well, this building was one of those. It was so ugly it was painful. It was like, "Ew, I have to live here?" It was so gross.

Who wants a building made of concrete? I wrinkled my nose as I strutted in. I wanted to make a good impression, even if they were all as boring as that building. Not that that's hard. I'm gorgeous, and everyone always says I'm polite and respectful.

Some young guy down the hallway started toward me. I smiled and flipped my long blonde hair back over my shoulder. Most of the time that makes people smile like idiots at me. Not this one though.

"Whynne Lundan?"

"Yes," I answered. He smiled.

What? Now he smiles?!

"Come with me," he replied, not quite demanding, but still feeling like an order. I frowned at that. I hate being bossed around.

"Do I have to?" Inwardly, I cringed. Great. Instead of a good impression, I had managed to sound bitchy. I looked up at him. He wasn't smiling anymore.

"You lose the agreement if you don't do what we need in order to complete our research," he stated firmly.

Ok, I get the message. Do as I say, or no money for you. Ugh!

"Fine," I huffed, and he began to lead me through what was rapidly beginning to look like a maze. There were no windows, twists and turns were everywhere, and it was solid concrete, like the entrance and every other thing in that building.

Someone could easily get lost in here.

"You could easily get lost in here," The guy explained, exactly as I had thought it. At my raised eyebrows, he rolled his eyes. "I'm only saying the obvious to clarify that if you try to go through here, you will get lost, and we probably won't be able to find you." I shuddered at the mental image of me trying to wander my way through here.

"Why is this necessary?"

"Security reasons," was his curt reply.

Security reasons? Aren't we safe here? Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.... As I finished that thought, he stopped suddenly and steered me to a door that seemed to have popped out of nowhere. "Wait here," he demanded. And without a word, went back into the maze.

What the heck is going on? With my heart pounding, I entered the room.

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