Chapter 17: Eric

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I looked through my pack for what was probably the one hundredth time. I couldn't help it. I was nervous, I had to do something to try to keep my mind off It. It. That day... The day I had to leave for the island.

I had on a couple extra layers, but I wasn't sure how they were transporting us, so I wanted to be able to move around somewhat. I had had those tests done the day before. I thought of it to try to keep my mind busy... They had hooked me up to a machine, and just asked me questions. It was some sort of truth machine, I think. Then they did what seemed like an average doctor check up. Rachel entered my room. She wasn't messed up like the last time I'd seen her, but she refused to let me mention it. She claimed that it never happened.

Ok, Rachel... Whatever helps you sleep at night. I heard her indignant cough.

"Well? Are you ready?"

Do you think I'm ready? Aren't you supposed to be smart?

"Yeah, I guess so." As soon as I said it, she turned and briskly exited the room. I had to jog to keep up with her. She stopped so suddenly that I rammed into her. She didn't even look phased. She gave a quick look at the door. She looked almost... wistful. But the expression disappeared as she told me,

"This... is where I leave you. Goodbye." Then she sprinted away like her clothes were on fire.

What the-? Why? Ugh, just forget it. It's not like you helped me anyway. I opened the door and walked through. I gasped. 

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