Chapter 43: Ryan

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I continued climbing the steep hill. It was near where Blake's empty grave was. The helicopter that had saved us didn't have room for her body. Honestly, I hadn't really wanted to bring it anyway. It was bad enough to see her die, I didn't want a helicopter ride with her corpse. It disturbed me just thinking about it. And even if her body had been here, no one would want to look at it. I hoped that one day, I could go back and bury her body. If I did, it would have to be soon, but I didn't want to think about it. Blake wasn't a an empty vessel that was decaying as I spoke. She was a brilliant, resourceful human being, with a quick temper and a strong will that I couldn't help but envy. I would miss her greatly; I did already. We all had a bond, those of us on that island. A connection. It was still there, just faint. One of those who forged the connection was cut, and so we assumed all were lost. That was our mistake. We were strong together once. We can do it again.

I still worry about Whynne and Eric. Whynne seems trapped in a pit of fury and despair that she can't dig herself out of. Maybe with some time, she'll heal, but I'm worried that she'll push herself to the brink of insanity. And Eric... I worry even more for him. He thought Xela was his saving grace, and he was pinning all his sanity on her. But he was tying himself to someone who was dying. I didn't want to think about what would happen if, and more realistically when, Xela died. I reached the top of the hill, lost in my thoughts.

The sun was just setting, causing a multitude of colors to splash all over the horizon. The majestic sight calmed me. I sat down for a moment to watch it. As I did, I thought of Blake when she was at her most peaceful, a small smile on her face as she pushed stray hair behind her ears. I remembered what the preacher had said during her funeral;

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." It spoke to me more than I would have thought. It seemed a bit like something my mother would have said, if she was still alive. She had believed strongly in God, in a heaven. Maybe she was talking to Blake up there. I know she would have liked her. The sun finished setting, and it started to darken. I stood but paused, looking around the hill. A cluster of flowers caught my eye. I walked toward them, and saw that they were vinca. I carefully picked off one of the blossoms and studied it, noticing the delicate veins in the fragile petals.

"Peace be with you Blake," I whispered, and gently threw the flower for the wind to take. 

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