Chapter 15: Ryan

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I opened my eyes slowly. I'd decided to burn my last day with sleep. It was my only escape by this point. Normally, I'm slow in the morning. I have to remind myself about things constantly, writing myself notes or whatever... but today, it came to me as soon as I woke up.

Today is the day. I dragged myself out of bed and managed to put myself through my routine. Showered, brushed my teeth. I was about to check my pack when my door opened and Red Velvet came in. We stood there in silence.

"Are you ready?" I took a deep breath.

"As much as I'll ever be, I suppose." We walked solemnly out of my room, and through the maze. For a moment I had a wild, dumb, hope that she would lead me out. Out, away from this place. I've always thought I was as brave as the next guy. I never branded myself as a coward. But I am so, so, scared. Am I a coward? Red Velvet slowed in front of a doorway.

"I have to leave you here." She smiled a bit, with a trace of sadness. "You remind me of the way I used to be. Rebellious, sassy, and unwilling to cave. I like it." She sighed. "Hang in there, Ryan. I'm counting on you."

"Counting on me...?"

"I know you can do it. Don't cave. Don't give up. Don't give them what they want." She kissed me on the forehead and then strutted away like a model on a runway, showing no sign of her emotional parting. As much as I hated being kissed like a little kid, I couldn't help thinking, Dang, she's hot when she's confident. Then I straightened my shoulders, took a deep breath, and... stepped in. Away from everything I knew. My life was built for this moment.

"Stay strong." Something whispered to me. "Stay strong." 

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