Chapter 3: Blake

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I entered the facility. Or perhaps, I should say, concrete fortress. It seemed to resemble a prison, which wasn't what I had expected. I assumed there would be more... finesse, I suppose. As I carefully stepped through the hallway, I noticed a lack of windows. I was sure there were some at the top, I had seen them, but why were there none there?

"Blake Lee?" I turned to the source of my name. A shorter man with a balding scalp was staring at me.

"Yes?" I answered, as stiff as my spine. He leered at me.

"Good, good, very, very... very good."

I was repulsed by his voice, the way his snake-like eyes took in everything. He took a step toward me.

"HELLO!? HELLO? Anyone here?" The old man cursed under his breath and moved toward the source of the voice.

"Come here," The old man demanded. A boy popped into my view, one who was of average height and weight. I'd guess he was around my age. Of course he was. They had specifically asked for teens in this social experiment, I simply hadn't thought clearly. He went toward us and stuck out his hand to me.

"Eric Goodman."

"Blake Lee." After I shook his hand, he pulled his arm into a salute.

"My pleasure, good lady," He stated as he flourished his arm with a ridiculously low bow. The corners of my lips raised slightly. It seemed that I had a comedian in my midst.

"Pleasant to meet you," I replied. He smiled at me, and I immediately analyzed him. This was a habit of mine, and it had come in handy many times, even if I came off as antisocial as a result. His smile seemed genuine, reaching to those jade green eyes. I had to look up to him slightly, but considering my miniscule height, that wasn't a surprise. He was a little uncomfortable under my glance, so he awkwardly raked a hand through his jet black hair, which was a bit too long. The bangs were falling into his eyes.

An interesting specimen. He seems honest and has a bit of wit to him. Actually fairly attractive, now that I see him up close and he moved his hair out of his eyes. He must not look people in the eye often, or vice versa. I wonder why...

"If you two are done canoodling, we need to be going," The old man snapped. Eric didn't seem to understand the word, but my cheeks flamed scarlet. That was something that would forever agitate me. I could hold my expressions neutral even if I was dying on the inside, but yet, that infuriating blush never left. But I held my head high as we walked through... a labyrinth?

What is the point of this? I understand this is a private facility and an obviously wealthy one, given the large amount of money my family was offered for this experiment, but is this essential?

"What is the purpose for this?" I asked.

"Security reasons," was his curt reply.

"What kind of security reasons?" I asked, just as icily. He stopped in his tracks, and the boy-Eric-rammed right into him. The old man straightened up with loads of curses before unceremoniously shoving him through the door. I straightened my shoulders and took a deep breath.

You can do this, Blake. Remember Xela. A stream of determination flared up inside me. I mustered up my courage and walked in.

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