Chapter 21: Whynne

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I hate sand. I had once liked sand. It brought to mind beaches, waves, warm sun, laughter, fun. Now it brought to mind pain. Pain in my lips, my head, my everything. Then again, this wasn't the sand I was used to, but still. The rocky looking dirt still blew dust anywhere. If I wasn't so dehydrated, my eyes would have been watering constantly. As it was, it hurt. The bandage Blake had put on my cut chafed, especially when the salt water dried. She had taken it off and applied some ointment to them before putting on a new one, but the wind still stung. I was glad that I had brought the chapstick, even though our lips were still cracked and bleeding. And I was sorely regretting not bringing a water container.

Not that we would have been able to fill it. We were barely able to get a handful of water after we had filled the water containers.

"Why don't we get more water from it? These trees are huge! Shouldn't there be more?" I had asked. Blake had replied,

"I told you, you have to tap into a very specific part of the tree. It's very difficult, that was the best I could do, given the circumstances. I did not hold the knowledge that it would run dry so soon..." I was starting to realize how much I had taken water for granted. What I wouldn't do to get a nice, tall, glass of it... And with ice... yes, nice and cold... The water from the baobab tree, as life saving as it was, was so warm it was almost hot. We trudged on though. The weight on my back was getting more and more irritating, and I glared at Blake's packless back. It annoyed me to no end that she didn't have to carry one. How is that fair? Well, Ryan was trying to be nice, and of course Eric agreed... Even now, he's staring at her. I can't believe she doesn't notice and draw you off as a creep. Yeah, yeah, she's amazing, drool over her some other time, will you? You think I don't see the way you look at her? Like she's some priceless treasure? Why though? What do you see in her? She's just a bossy, ugly, know-it-all. Sure, she's kinda smart, but who cares? Brains aren't everything. And yet he backed her up on everything.

"I'm with you," Of course you are... Still, we were alive. I was grateful for that. And I actually felt kinda bad for being so mean to Blake. She did save us, and that sea water helped my cuts. It's just... It's always been eat or be eaten. I have to look like a leader, or I'll be an omega. And I am not going to be an omega. What would my parents think if I let this girl step all over me? I'd be a disgrace... No. I have a reputation to keep up. Mom is always telling me that appearances are important. That's why I'm here, isn't it? In this dumb experiment? I could remember arguing with them about it...

"Why do I have to? What did I do wrong? Is that about the results from that shoot? I'm telling you, that producer was an idiot, wouldn't know a good pose from-"

"Whynne, we're not punishing you. If anything, this is a reward!" My mom explained.

"A grand opportunity." My dad added.

"This is your time to make the Lundan name shine!" My mom had exclaimed, beaming her persuasive saleswoman smile. "Show them that we're not just pretty faces!" She told me as she swished her perfect hair over her back, batting her gorgeous blue eyes at me. I was reminded of how much I wanted her eyes. But no, I'm stuck with gross raw celery ones. At least I have her hair, and her figure. Tall and thin.

"I... I guess I could..."

"That's the spirit honey! Now if you don't mind, I have several clients that were calling me..." My mom left the room to make her calls.

"I need to go back to the office too. Have fun, okay Whynne? We're proud of you." And he had left too, leaving me alone. Again. It seemed that the only time that they had time for me was when they needed something...

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