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   So.. there making a new Spiderman animated movie?!? Like booooiiiii.

   This shouldn't get me so excited, but I'm seriously flippin exciteeeeeddd. And you might be thinking to yourself Blehlch... its animated? That's such a kid's movie. Then you stare at me with judgemental eyes.

   *Scoffs* Weeelll, I have a burning passion for animated movies, like Disney? I've watched basically every single one of those movies I might go into the animating field someday, hmm.... But guys, we really take these poor artists for granted. Do you know how much painstakingly hard work they put into those things? Like even the subtle things, blinking for example is completely terrible, but they do it anyway! Cuz they love what they do, it's their passion, but they despise it at the same time cuz it takes such a bloody long time.

Steps of Blinking:

1. Just slightly move eyelid down.
2. Move a little farther down.
3. Move a teeeennsy bit farther down.
4. Move down halfway.
6. Finally, close the eye.
8. Merge it into a video, and hope it doesn't look choppy so you have to make even more frames.

   To sum it up in the simplest form XD.   AND THAT'S JUST BLINKING AN EYE. IN THESE SUPER COOL ACTION PACKED MOVIES YOU SEE PEOPLE DOING BACK-FLIPS AND SIDE-KICKS. Imagine animating that. How hard do you think that is? Do you think you could do that? We neeeeeed to grow to appreciate art more.

   I feel like no matter how much I can try to explain this to y'all, ya won't understand. But I tried swoo.

ANNNYYYWAY... before y'all got me in a rant.

   SPOODAMAN. It combines my love for marvel and animating, Ima freak out, ya guyz. It has both Miles Morales and Peter friggin Parker in it. 🤗 Ye boiz, we gots both spidermans. And woman.. yup spidergwen's in it too. Which isn't super exciting to me, but okay.

  Cuz Marvel can do anything they want, having that many spider people in a movie..... *mutters under breath.* or yah, like kill off half the universe..   -_-

Tis great.

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