Rewatching Avengers 1

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Sooooo I just rewatched the first Avengers movie.  I own it 😎. And here's a few things I wanna talk about...

•First off: WHO THE HELL SCRATCHED MY DISK?!?! Cuz if I find out who did it Ima pull a Thanos on you, you flippin ugly bugger!!!

•Second: The part when Tony and Loki are talking, and Loki says, "I have an army." Then Tony replies with, "We have a Hulk." Just made me cry. I laugh at it every single time, cuz it's just such a great comeback, and it's soooooo true, and should strike fear in everyone's hearts. But I literally cried cuz they turned it around in IW for Loki threatening Thanos. And he dies like a minute later.. uuuuuggghhh I just relived Loki's death watching that.
Loki's words, "We have a Hulk."
*neck breaks*
*every Marvel fan cries*

•And finally third... so the end credit scene has Thanos and his weird little minion dude talking. And the dudes saying to him that earth is uncrushable and that you can't beat them kinda thing, cuz they just had a terrible defeat with the Chitari and everything... but then he says, and I quote, "To challenge them is to court death."

The first time I heard that I set it aside and thought nothing if it. Cuz at the time, I wasn't that obsessed with Marvel to see through what he was saying. Any normal person hearing this would just think it meant, to challenge them would mean death for us or to invite them to kill us.....
But that's not what hes saying at all, sadly.

Ya see, to know this you have to know Thanos' motives.. he didn't just kill half the universe to be nice so the population didn't overflow. He did it to win over Mistress Death's heart. He was in loooove. Mistriss Death is the cosmic entity of death in the Marvel Universe. She's a HUUUUUGGGEE deal. She's just as big of a deal as the Living Tribunal and Eternity. And Thanos loves Death, and wants her so bad, but she doesn't want him, so she finally, basically caves in on one condition. He has to kill off half of the entire universe for her, allowing her kingdom to grow, and the realm of Death would gain half a universe of souls. To win her heart, would mean to kill off half of everything.

So when his minion, knowing this, says, "To challenge them is to court Death." He literally means court- as in being romantically involved with- Death.

I can't believe I missed that, those first couple of times. Uuughhh, when I heard that this time tho, my mouth literally flew open and my eyes became as wide as dinner plates. Cuz I finally realized what it meant and I just went into full-fledged-geeking-out mode.

•Btw that's Mistress Death at the top of the page.

She likes to switch on and off between  being pretty and a skeleton. It varies, I guess, on what shes feeling.
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Ikr.. Thanos has great taste.

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