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I'm the rudest person ever and I love it.. XD

So we all know I rarely answer calls, but when I do and it's a number I don't recognize.. it's just... somethin lol

My Steps to Handling Unknown Numbers and People.

My first step: get into a quiet room

Second step: answer, but don't say anything so they talk first and you can tell what there motives are.

Third step: If they start out with a faked chipper voice like, "Hi! Can I interest you in--- " that's when I hang up. Cuz..

-1. I am just too darn socially awkward, and too nice to turn them down, so I just stay silent.

-2. It's easier to just not deal with it.. so that's why you let them talk first, cuz then if you do talk you're expected to keep talking with them. And I don't got no time for that, thank you.


-3. We all know you're not gonna buy anything. When does this selling strategy stuff ever work? So just don't lead them on ig is what I'm saying. Heck, I don't even know what I'm saying.. when do I ever do?

Fourth step:  If it's not a salesperson, and some random dude calls me, then I'll talk to them. Cuz idk maybe they have the wrong number. I don't want them to keep calling me, thinking I'm someone else.

I'm so rude XD...

Honestly, it's more my socially awkwardness and not knowing how to handle the situation but eh.. whatever.

*I've been trying to write this all dayyyy... but it's just been super busy today.... I had to swim a 3k... why do I do this? I don't want to.. I hate open water swimming lol. Pool swimming I wuuuuvvv ♡♡♡♡, tis mah baby. But open water. Nu. Just nuuuu...*

ME: THE WEIRD, CRAZY ONEWhere stories live. Discover now