This... Changes Everything....

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Mygosh that comic just opened up a whole new world of things I never knew about my beloved fandom.

So. I've already established the infinity gems being living.... and talking. I don't know how I flippin feel about this.. So um, Ima touch back on this subject in a bit. Just gimme a sec of explaining... agaaaiiin, XD sorry y'all I cant help my geekiness.

But this comic just explained the whooole history of the soul gem and Adam Warlock. I knew most of it, but this was REALLY detailed.. like omyword this was so incredibly detailed. And I learned some things I never knew about them before, like for example, THE GEMS BEING ALIVE?! .... I wuv it.

First things first. How everyone who died after Thanos' snap will live. My best example of being able to explain this is with Adam Warlock's story.

INFINITY WAR, the movie.... my prediction.. maybe.. If the soul stone doesn't turn psychotic n evil like the comics. To explain this I need to venture all the way back to the Infinity Gauntlet comics. (This is the one where Thanos tries to kill everyone, Infinity War is when Magus tries to kill everyone. Ik confusing, right?) So Adam Warlock and the earth's heroes n everyone team up against him and beat him. BUUUUTTTT...
Adam dies in the process.

I knew that, but I could never figure out how he was resurrected. (just like literally every Marvel character) But mah new comic explains this..

The soul stone, again it's living!!?, Stole Adam's spirit and he started living in the Soul World, which, the soul stone defines as its heart... weird.. but then Thanos decided to obtain all the gems, agaaiiiinnn.
And somehow Adam found out about this, and he and the soul gem created new bodies for him, and two other but unimportant people who died in IG, who were also in the soul world. (whispers: Gamora and Pip the Troll. I'm kidding! theyre important my lil floofs!!) Then they all were resurrected by the soul gem.

Guess where half of the MCU is?

In the flippin, living soul gem.

So to answer everyone.. yes, everyone who turned to ashes after the snap actually died. They weren't transported anywhere. They actually died, and their spirits left to the soul world.


And I say but.

If the MCU is nice, and makes the soul gem nice too... the soul gem might just resurrect them all like it did with Adam, Gamora, and Pip.

All of this is only relevant tho if the gems are alive.. we know they are in the comics, -I still can't wrap my mind around it- but are they in the MCU?

This is why the MCU drives me insane. They're just so darn inaccurate.

But guys this all actually took place after the Infinity Gauntlet (basically Infinity War but a dif name) of the comics. Why not the Infinity War of the MCU?

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