Cool Tag from Rifa!!!!

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luv ya, darlin. 😘❤

1. Are you wearing nail polish? If so give a pic.

Are you crazy?!? Do you even know who I am?? Why in the heck would I ever even consider caring about what I look like? I'm really not girly at all XD. (*Mumbles* plus my nails are complete trash, and I don't need to go bringin attention to them..)

2. What are you wearing right now?

A maroon shirt; black shawl/sweater thing; and an almost black, navy blue pair of pants. With some black and white high tops Adidas. (Those are totally complete sentences, don't mind me, the girl who appaeently can't write.😤😋)

3. Do you like spoons?

Ummm... I like food, and I like eating?? Spoons help me eat? So therefore, I like spoons? (I feel like this is a reference that I don't understand..)

4. Name five things in your backpack/purse right now.

A pic lock, chapstick, a portable charger, pads (yes, I am a teenage girl, I would have never guessed.. 😒), my wallet, a pen and pencil, there's also a brownie. I told ya I wuv my food.. and that's it!

5. Could you survive the apocalypse with the items in your backpack/purse? If not, you dead and I ain't savin you..

Um, portable charger, cash... and brownies 🤔🤔 ................................................................

Yes. Totally, there should absolutely, not at all sarcastically, be a money system thingy when the world is falling apart, and one brownie will surely not give me a heart attack before the zombies rip that beating muscle out of my chest. Plus while they're working on that, I NEED TO CHARGE MY PHONE!?! I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO CHARGE IT LAST NIGHT!!

Honestly tho.. the pic lock miiigghht come in handy, but I probably would not survive unless I'm MacGyver. If y'all haven't seen that TV show then.. YOU NEED TO.

6. Could you kill someone if necessary without feeling guilty?

If someone randomly came up to me and tried to kill me..? Um, no, actually.. I couldn't retaliate.

1. I'm wayyy too nice/shy.. it's kinda dangerous how naive I am. I'll let anyone get away with anything cuz I'm too scared to speak up for myself. It's really my anxiety talkin. XD "Oh, you're not giving me my next pay check, cuz I wore a tie to work? Ok, that's fine, it's not like I'm in poverty or anything.." I'm just extremely not a troublemaker.. and that'll get me killed, cuz I would be having an anxiety attack, while letting it happen, basically by freewill. 😂pathetic, right?

2. I just wouldn't. I value human life, and I value other's lives more than my own, even if they are a murderer. Capital punishment will work around some other way, where I don't have to do dat... But I would, honestly, in all seriousness, die for my friends... and, really, I say this and sincerely hope it's true, but my enemies too. I do not have the authority to control who lives and dies, that's something only God allows. A life is not ours to take.. that's something too valuable to mess with. That's where I draw a line on things taken.

3. It's kindaaa against my religion. And when I say kinda, I mean, it is. I, honestly, am 90% sure not murdering someone is true for all religions tho.. unless you're Satanist, then uhh, sorry, but I have no idea...

7. Single or taken?

Absolutely, completely, maniacly, amazingly, miraculously, insanely, and so untouchably... single! 💍💍💍

8. Psychopath, Sociopath, or Normal?


There is no such thing as normal. Normalcy is just a word composed by society's social standards, and it's only use is to tell people that their uniqueness is unwanted troubles and altogether burdening. It's unattainable. Everyone is weird, we all have our own little, different quirks.


9. Tag four people.


Goooodaluck! ❤

P.S. Sorry this took so long to write, Rifa. I've just been kinda busy a bit tryin to get ready for a trip to New York. ♡♡♡

P.P.S Oof.. some of those were really deep and got me in a rant... yeesh, I take these things way to seriously. 😏

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