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My collection just gained over 300 comic books. Yah, that's right three flippin hundred. I'm SWWOOOOOOO HAPPY. I have like five different deaths of superman. The Spiderman clone saga♡♡♡. IW, AND INFINITY GAUNTLET. some Deadpools. Adam Warlocks (The old ones too, like when he was named SHE or HIM). Thanoses. AND A WHOLE LOT OF THEM ARE FROM THE 1960s (the BEST Marvel years) AND 70s.

*has to breath and stop smiling from geeking out too much.*

THEN A FEW I JUST GOT ARE FROM BEFORE MARVEL WAS EVEN NAMED MARVEL. If you didn't know Marvel was first called Timely Productions,
(1939 - 1947) then changed there name to Atlas Comics, (1947 - 1961)
and finally became Marvel comics in 1961 to now. Anyway, fun fact of the day for ya 😉.

SO SOME OF THEM ARE MADE BY ATLAS COMICS. I'm just soooo excited. I love the old comics soooo much.. I just. *sighs happily* thank you, Marvel XD

My grandparents just gave basically their entire old collection from over the years to me. I love them so much, they're great people. Great grandparents. Just amazing. THANKSCHU TOO. ❤❤❤

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