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Kay, I literally did not realize how sad the beginning of Infinity War was till I rewatched Thor Ragnorok. But really, the people of Asgard just nearly escaped death by Surtur; Hela; and Ragnorok, the END of Asgard, get on a ship, and die by the hands of Thanos and the Black Order. The ENTIRE MOVIE OF RAGNAROK WAS POINTLESS, THEY ALL DIED IN (not even, they were already flippin dead at the beginning) THE NEXT *close enough* MARVEL MOVIE. It just saddens me a bit is all.

I honestly dismissed all of their deaths like they were flies or something when I first saw IW (most likely cuz it was to be expected, cuz I mean it's a madman on a rampage with the infinity stones. What do u expect?) But that false hope that they were gonna live and thrive after Ragnorok was what got me. My poor, dead children, they're all gone...

Not half, like everyone else.

Only Thor. He's the last one...

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