The Most Adorable Thing Happened While Lifeguarding Yesterday

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It was sooo cuuttee... all these lil kids were playing MCU rp. There was a Doctor Strange, a Deadpool, a Juggernaut, a Thanos, a Bucky, a Hawkeye.. and more idremember.. but the kid who wanted to play Doctor Strange said, "HEY! I CALL DIBS ON DOCTOR STRANGE!!" and started making pew pew pew guns sounds playing with water guns. I held back the facepalm and literally started internally screaming that Stephen doesn't have any guns, hes mystical n stuff.
But then Doc and Thanos started fighting............. 😢😢 and I became saddened.

Then they all rp'd Star Wars and I understood none of it.
I tried. I honestly really tried with that fandom. Cuz it's such a big deal n stuff, so I wanted to see what all the fuss was about, so I watched 4, 5 and half of 6 but then gave up. It just.. idk.. I didn't like it ig. It took a lot of willpower just to force myself to watch it. Sorry my Star.. Wars.. fans..?... I dunno what to call y'all. I almost said Trekkies.. ik, ik. That's Star Trek. My mom and brother all are Trekkies tho.
I live in a family of nerds.. 😂😂

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