chapter 4

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(Grace's p.o.v)

I felt my body became weightless as i was thrown away into the cold water of the river with loud splash afterward. I gasped for air as i reached the surface and swam to the shore then dragged myself out of the water. I hugged myself as i felt the sudden cold touched my warm skin. My wet clothes were sticking to my skin, showing my curves.

"Why did you do that!?" I shouted at Da'Xius that was busy chuckling to himself and totally amused to see me trembling in cold.
He walked over a tree and took my bag from hanging by the branch and walked back to me.

"You need to clean yourself and treat your wounds.." he explained as he unzip the bag, he took out my shampoo, body soap and some medication stuff then put it on a rock. He put my bag away to prevent it become wet because of the water.

"Take your time to clean yourself.. i will be there, sharpening my weapons.." he said as he pointed a spot next to the  large boulder. I nodded in respond and watched him walked toward the boulder and started to do his job. I saw his back was facing me, respecting my privacy time that i needed.
I smiled and started to clean myself thoroughly then hissed in pain to my exposed wounds.

"I should be more careful next time..." i whispered to myself.

(Da'Xius's p.o.v)

I heard her hiss while i was busy sharpening my weapons that i had.
I sighed deeply.

'Ooman lou-dte kale is so fragile but capable to survive..' i thought to myself. I sniffed the air, i could smelt a scent of rose and it was sweet.

It's Grace's scent. She always smelt like a rose and sweet, not too strong but divine. Even without her using her shampoo or body soap, she'd still smelt like rose. It's weird because I've encountered other Ooman lou-dte kales (females) but most of them smelt like smoke and there are some of them smelt like flowers but too strong that could make my head spinning and vomit if i could. It's some substances that they used and they called it perfumes. Different kind of perfumes that made me wanted to stay away from them as far as i could.

She has fresh scent maybe because she wasn't too exposed to the 'world' that her father prevent her to go.

I heard light footsteps coming toward me. I turned my head around to see Grace was already in her fresh clothes with towel in her hands, ruffling her light brunette hair until it dry a bit as the towel absorb most of the water from her hair. I could see white bandage around her arm and knee.

She smiled and put her towel over her shoulder, letting her wet messy hair fall to her back.

"I am done!" she said happily and stopped right next to me.
"Good.." i paused as i got on my knees and attached my weapon back to my belt.
"I need to talk to you.." i continued and i gestured her to sit on the boulder. She groaned but sit on it anyway. I crossed my arms across my chest as i looked at her.

"What?.." she asked. I grunted and released my arms.
"You broke the rules! Again!" I exclaimed and she just huffed.
"I am tired being a prey.." she mumbled. I sighed deeply.
"Tell me the rules,Grace.." I ordered. She bit her lips.

"Don't look into the predator's eyes.." she stated the first rule.
I keep quiet to let her continue, she sighed.
"Do not fight back. Try to look as weak as i could and run" she finished.

"You do know why i asked you to follow the rules,right?" I asked her sternly. She looked away in annoyance.
"If I happen to bump into a yautja like you.. they will not feel interested to take my skull as trophy because it's not fun to kill the weak.." she explained the reason.
"Exactly! And what did you do?" I asked again.
"I fight back..." she mumbled.

I sighed deeply.

(Grace's p.o.v)

I looked back at him as he sighed deeply. I pinched the bridge of my nose then look back at him.

"Look..we've been playing this chasing game way too many times and i always enjoy the thrill that you gave me but come on! I managed to take you down.." i said with following groan. I heard him growled at me.

'Oops...' i thought with nervousness.

"That is because you pulled dirty trick on me when you caught me off guard" he explained.

I sighed in frustration. I jumped off the boulder and started to make my way toward my bag. I turned to look at him and he was still there, standing next to the boulder and staring. I rolled my eyes in complete annoyance.

"He really need to learn about staring is rude.." i said under my breath.
"But you were also staring at me when we first met" i heard him replied me. Right. Next. To. Me.

"Gah! You need to stop to do that! How did you even move so damn fast and unnoticeable!?" I shouted at him while keeping my right hand above my chest, trying to calm my heart that was beating so fast. I envied him so much! I wished i could be a strong and fast as him then it would fun to play some yautja games with him. I did trained myself to be like him everytime he was absent because i wanted to beat him. I am tired of losing!

He scowl and started to walk forward, leaving me behind. I quickly open my pace and started following him.

"I know something was bothering you.. and it is about your father...  isn't it?" He asked lowly but i could heard him clearly. I stopped and froze right behind him as he stopped. He turned his body to me, giving me 100% of his attention to me. I looked at him, he was towering over me. Damn! This yautja is so damn tall. His shadow engulfed my small frame, protecting me from the sun. He knew that i hated sun and heat.

"Yes.. " i answered shortly and i couldn't hide my face of bitterness. It was too painful for me to endure.

He grabbed my hand gently and brought me to boulders next to the streaming river.

"Let's sit over here.." he said and both of us took a seat on the boulders and i dipped my feet into the cold streaming water as he released my hand from his grasp. As for Da'Xius, he was sitting with his legs crossed and let the warm light of sun hit his body. He liked it.

"Do you still remember how we met months ago?" He asked and a soft smile appeared on my face. Literally couldn't hold the happy yet funny memory from sliding through.

"That was the day when our friendship started to bloom unexpectedly.." i said softly..

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