chapter 7

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(Grace's p.o.v)

The skinny man didn't said anything but his face was telling everything. Madness, pain and anger were displayed together on his fierce face.
He stomped forward and ready to shred me into pieces with his knife but suddenly his friend stopped him and pushed him back.

'Maybe he isn't that bad..' i thought in my head as i leaned against the wall with my hand on my side where the skinny man kicked me.

"You're not going to touch her..." He said like a warning. The skinny man was growling at him, He turned his head to look at me as he ignored his growl but then he lift his foot and kicked me hard on my cheek until i fell on my side. It was hurt. I was thankful that some of my teeth didn't fell off or my jaws moved out of order but the pain was still a pain. The blood filled my mouth until it oozed out. The pain reached my head that made my sight became hazy. I was about to fall into unconsciousness but i forced myself to get up. I can't faint in front of them. I don't know what they will do to me while i was unconscious. I don't want to think about it and i don't want to know.

I heard his dark evil chuckle. I shouldn't have fall for that earlier. He was two-faced. I glared at him
"Are you expecting me to protect you?" He asked as he mocked me with his chuckle while his skinny friend looked down at me, enjoying the view of me at my weakest point.

Suddenly, i saw a spear pierced out from the skinny man's chest. His blood spurt out until his blood was covering me. I screamed as i back away until i was at the corner of the house. The man that kicked me earlier was surprised to see his friend being lift up by the huge humanoid creature. The skinny man was still alive, he was in pain and his soul was ready to leave his body. He stopped moving and his body collapsed to the floor as the spear was pulled out roughly from his body.

I watched in terror and in utter shock. The blood start pooling around his lifeless body then my head snapped back to look at the creature as he roared loudly at the other man.

ROAR..!! The creature's roar filled the whole house until i could felt the wall was slightly vibrated against my skin . I covered my ears with my hands to protect my eardrums from any injuries because of his menacing loud roar. The man suddenly ran for the exit in panic, leaving me behind with the creature. I thought he was going to hurt or kill me but he just took a glance at me and chase after the man.

(Da'Xius's p.o.v)

I was angry! Furious! I chased after the man that kicked her. I thought he was going to protect her from the lunatic that i killed earlier but instead, he kicked her! The scene played in my head again and again. I felt my anger was bubbling like hot lava from the volcano that is ready to blow and destroy everything. I cloaked myself back and started to jump from tree to tree. I saw his body heat from my bio-mask.

'Heh...slow..' i chuckled in my head. As i was close enough i jumped and landed right in front of him, caused him to fall hack as he bumped into me, I uncloaked myself . He dragged himself away from me as he sensed  my present but then quickly got up.  He pulled out his gun from his belt pocket and pointed it at me.

I launched and evaded every bullets that he shot carelessly at me with his gun. I turned my wrist, my wrist blades went out and i slashed his chest. He stumbled back and held onto his chest with a loud yell of pain afterward. He back away until he lost his balance and fell, his back was against the tree. He was panting hardly while his hand on his bleeding chest. The gun was nowhere in his hand. He must had dropped it as i slashed his chest.

Actually, i could just kill him with one blow but i want to let him suffer first till his last breath. I walked toward him as i was ready to give him another slash.


I froze as i heard a shout. I saw another small frame was protecting the man. It was the lou-dte kale.

"Don't kill him..please.." the lou-dte kale pleaded. I clicked in disagreement. Why would she wanted to protect the man that hurt her? Is she insane?

I decided to calm down, i didn't move. I didn't want to scare her and i wanted to let her know that i wanted to protect her. No harm at all but suddenly a knife stabbed my left exposed bicep. The man just threw the knife and directly stabbed my bicep. I roared. He stood up quickly then grab the knife and pulled it down but i quickly pull my arm away to prevent the wound widened because of his pull.The man pulled the knife out and my blood oozed down to my hand, the man quickly run away for an escape.

'I will not let you escape that easily..' i thought in my head. I held my wound to prevent more blood from oozing out. I looked at the lou-dte kale. She looked rather guilty than afraid.

She walked toward me slowly then she put her small hand over my bleeding bicep. My muscle was tensed when i feel her hand touched my skin.
'How can she being fearless right now?' I thought then i tilt my head a bit

I snapped back and i walked away from her. I went toward a tree and sit under it then i pull out my aid kit, i put some substance onto my wound and i growled as it sting. I started stitching my wound back together but stopped for a moment. What i hate the most is stitching my wound that i got for myself. I hissed in pain.

Suddenly, she took the needle from my hand.
'I thought she'd run away..' i thought to myself, i growled at her.
She gently rubbed my hand while looking at me with her bright acidic vibrant green eyes that look absolutely stunning. She was trying to calm me down.

"I'll help you...just close your eyes.." she said softly, she was quite surprised when i gave her a click and closed my eyes. Why am i letting this Ooman Lou-dte kale treating me. I hissed while she starting treating me and stitching the wound together.
I got so many questions in my head.

'Why is she helping me? Why didn't she follow the human? Why she was protecting the Ooman? Why' i thought in my head until i decided to ask.

"Why are you helping me? Why didn't you follow the human?" I asked her clearly to make sure she listen to me.

"I help you because you saved me and.." she paused as she was too focus on treating me and stitching the wound. She made a knot by the end of the wound then cut the access with my knife that i used to skin Ooman.

"The most dangerous place is the safest place.." she finished. I was stunned by her words. Does she meant that being with the man only bring her nothing but doom? While staying with me...a me made her feel safe?
I couldn't brain it!

"What do you mean, lou-dte kale?" I asked again. Hoping the answer was the same of what i thought in my head. 

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