chapter 9

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(Grace's p.o.v)

I drew out a heavy sigh after he disappeared then i turned around. My house was a complete mess. The couches were flipped over, blood was pooling in the middle of the living room and the smell was urgh. I was covering my mouth and nose because the blood really made me nauseous. I can't let my dad sees this so i decided to clean the mess all by myself.

"Cleaning time.." i said then i started to clean everything and until my living room was spotless.

I had been walking in and out from my house to get the water from the river. I wanted to clean my floor thoroughly until the smell was gone. I brushed and mopped. Poured some detergent onto the floor then brushed and mopped but then i pour some body shampoo onto the floor and repeated. I know it was crazy and stupid but i didn't want my dad smell the blood and start to ask some crazy amount of questions and i didn't want to answer him. Espesially, about the 'alien' that i met for today. He would become crazy and probably would go out to find that alien and kill him. Heck, maybe my dad would be the one that got killed by the hands of the alien.

I shook my head furiously as i rinsed the floor with the water supply that i brought from the river then mopped the floor. I watched the water disappear through the gaps between the woods of the floor, letting the ground absorbed the water.
I sniffed the air and all that i could smell was the detergent and body shampoo.

I went into the bathroom and put the mop into a bucket that was filled with clean water and left it for a while. I looked over the window and it was already at dusk. My mind was suddenly travelling and found Da'Xius the alien. I put my hand over my chest and i could felt my heart was beating strangely. I shook my head and closed the window.

I went to my kitchen and opened a fridge. I took out some deer meat and chicken.

"For dinner.." i whispered and started chopping the chicken.

I was wondering and curious. I turned my head up and my eyes trailed upon some wire that were sticking to the walls and within the walls. I look over the meat that i cook and left it for a while as i went to the main door. I opened it after i took a flashlight with me. I turned the flashlight on then aim the light toward the wire that i saw hanging by some branches of trees and poles that my father made. I walked toward one of the poles while watching the wires disappeared down to the path where my dad would usually went to work with his truck. I was wondering, where the wire would take me if i follow it?

I turned off the flashlight and went back to my house after i close the door behind me. I locked the door after i heard clicking sound.

Clicking sound?

I looked around to see nothing. I shrugged it off and walked to the kitchen.

The food was done after i served it upon the table and cover it with the red conical dish cover. My father would came back and eat it then i would eat the leftover. I didn't need much food anyway.

I saw a something and it was like a white line but quickly turn my gaze away from it and act like nothing happen. I took my favourite spatula then spun around gracefully with it.


I spread my arms open as i stopped next to the lines and the spatula that i held happened to smack upon a firm air.

Firm air? There's no such thing as firm air!


(Da'Xius's p.o.v)

I cleaned the skull after i took it to my spaceship. It was white and clean. Another trophy for me. I put it onto a shelf then press a few button then a glass slide down. I've been hunting for my entire life and i even got bored from it but my parents always told me to hunt and gather more and MORE skulls. I really made them proud but i wasn't proud of my trophies or my titles that i got from society. It was almost like, i hated it. I know that i made several achievements at the young age but my people always saw me as threat. Lou-dte kale? They always chase me me around and asked me desperately to be their mate.

'Too easy..' i said in my head as i thought about it in my head.

Yes. I rejected every females that tried to tempt me. My mother was mad at me for not finding a mate for myself and always went away to another planet when THE season came.
I simply just told her that they weren't not my type.

I turned around and walked off from my invisible spaceship after i made sure the main door was closed.

I looked around with my bio-mask as i continued walking, i saw some monkeys were close with each others ,fireflies around me. I pulled my mask off with a soft hissing sound afterward that i could hear. I could see it clearly, the moonlight made it look more beautiful than ever and i could even heard the crickets sound loudly.

As i was watching the beauty of the jungle around me, my mind was also thinking about the Ooman Lou-dte kale that i met and saved. Her vibrant green eyes, her hair, her small frame and scent.

Scent. She was so sweet and almost intoxicating. Her scent could made me remind of the sweetness of my home. I didn't realized that i was already walked myself to her house, i could see her house under the bright moonlight but then i saw the door of her house swung open.

I saw her. She was holding a flashlight while looking at some wires that were hanging by some wood poles and branches. She walked out and followed the wires then stopped at one of the poles. What she was thinking? Is there something wrong with those wires?

I pressed some button on my device after i put my mask on then i turned invisible. I went to her house and went into the house without she even noticed it then stand behind one of the couches.

I saw her went in, she closed the door and locked it. I chuckled quitely but stopped as her head whipped around her. I watched her carefully as she shrugged and walk off to the kitchen. I followed her and stand next to the table.

I saw her served some food that she cooked but then cover it with something.

'Is she going to eat or what?' I thought in my head. I would like to watch her eating, i wanted to know how the Ooman lou-dte kale would devour her food.
'What the.. what is wrong with your head,Da'Xius?' I snapped at myself in my thought then focused back to her.

She suddenly spinning with a spatula in one of her hands. Is she going to dance with that spatula?
She stopped next to me but then she spread her arm, the spatula smacked my stomach hardly and it was stinging! I was surprised about that. I was completely off guard!!.

"Da'Xius!? Why are you here!?" She shouted at me. I revealed myself to her and i was towering her. She was looking at me with those vibrant green eyes. She knew that i was in her house all along?

"Why did you hit me? How did you know that i am here?"i asked her and totally wanted to avoid her question like an idiot would do.
"You need to answer me first, Da'Xius. Why. Are. You. Here?" she repeated the question with pauses.

Should i tell her why am i here? I just wanted to see her because her scent was intoxicating. What? That would be weird. I fought with myself wether to tell her the truth or lies.
"I am here because i wanted to see you.." i honestly said it and because i knew lying is only for cowards.
But then,

My words were completely just made her surprised.


I am sorry if it's suck 😟😟😟

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