0.10 The Start of Something New ✔

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DISCLAIMER: I Do Not Own Teen Wolf

"So, how are you liking Beacon Hills so far?"

Ellie Argent had heard that question so many times over the last two weeks it didn't even register as words any more. Her uncle wanted her to feel welcome, she knew that, but asking every five seconds was a little overdoing it. It didn't help that he was knew to Beacon Hills, too, though; Chris Argent was worried she would stay inside and away from the town, dedicate her life to mourning.

She wasn't, by any means, over the death of her parents – she never would be – but she wasn't going to be stuck on it anymore. Not thinking about it, not acknowledging it, was easier than missing them.

The truth was, didn't like Beacon Hills. Her whole life had been in New York, in one apartment with the same view of hundreds of skyscrapers. She went to Times Square every New Year's Eve, she went to the same high school and she'd known everyone in her class since birth. Sure, she didn't have many close friends (any close friends), but that hardly mattered when she had constant contact with her cousin, Allison. She was the only good thing about the move. They got to spend every waking moment with each other.

The girls were incredibly close, more like siblings than cousins. They both had the same dark hair, the same hazel eyes and the same sharp jaws. In the months of grief following her parents' deaths, Allison was the only tether she had to keep her sane.

Sophomore year began soon, and Ellie was dreading it. Her only option was to repeat the year – she hadn't passed any classes and summer school wasn't an option when she was out of state – after her life was thrown into turmoil and the time she was supposed to spend studying was instead at the florists picking out bouquets, or at Macy's choosing a dress.

"It's great, Uncle Chris," Ellie sighed, not looking at him. "Just the same as it was two hours ago,"

Yeah, her brain-to-mouth filter could probably do with some maintenance. Too often she had gotten into trouble after speaking her mind. Since moving in with her uncle and aunt, Ellie had tried her best to work on it; she didn't want to piss them off and get chucked out.

"I'm sorry," he laughed. "I'm suffocating you, I know. I'm just worried."

"I know, Uncle Chris," she groaned. "It's touching that you care so much, but I'm trying to read here, and you're breaking my concentration."

She was trying to read. Her feet were propped on the sofa, her head on the arm rest and The Hobbit open on her lap. It was a much needed break from the summer reading list Beacon Hills High School had emailed her, and she was very close to giving up. All that stopped her was the knowledge her Aunt would have her eyeballs for earrings if she did. Victoria Argent wad cold, calculating and actually pretty terrifying. Her 'serial-killer-eyes' could rival even Oliver freaking Thredson – and he was Bloody Face!

"Hey," Allison, wearing a woolly coat and a grin, pushed Ellie's legs down and took a seat next to her. "So, I was thinking, we should look around the town; find the high school, you know, so we don't get lost."

Ellie made a face in consideration. "I guess it's a good idea. Juts let me finish this chapter..."

She looked back down at her book, but it was quickly ripped out of her hands. "No, Ellie. You've read that thing a million times," Allison complained, pouting. "Don't you want to spend time with me?"

Broken But Mending; Scott McCall [1] ✔Where stories live. Discover now